Adelaide Literary Magazine - 9 years, 70 issues, and over 2800 published poems, short stories, and essays


ALM No.65, June 2024



6/16/20247 min read

In the year 2065 the economy and government as we know it has collapsed due to nuclear war. What ends up being left major corporations split control over the city-states outside of the major ones like Seattle, Chicago, and Boston. The continents are still there though so travel isn’t an issue for most people. Unfortunately for those like Flint, Marcus, and me (Michael Sarren-Torren) we don’t exactly have the luxury of being able to travel to a lot of these places due to our association with the Shadowcorps. My mom is human while my father is a panther, Flint has two human parents and Marcus is a child of a single mother who later ends up being CEO of Shadowcorps. Flint ends up being a dwarf due the fallout of the nuclear war and Coy ends up being an orc and also is able to use magic.

I had just gotten back to headquarters which looks like an ordinary building from the outside but when you enter the building it has state of the art equipment and high security so if your lucky enough to get through security it is a sight to behold. If you’ve seen the show SWAT that is basically what the inside looks like while the outside looks like an abandoned historical building so it cant be torn down. I had just returned from my morning workout in the weight room using the bench press to work through my irritation of a failed op a few days ago. After I worked out enough I replaced the weights and made my way to the amazing showers we have to scrub myself of the filth I feel. Most people don’t need to scrub but for me since I’m half panther I have all this fur I have to clean so Coy put in a special shower to assist in the time it would take to properly get clean.

As I am getting my gear back on after my shower I feel my phone go off which is weird since Coy and I work in the same building.

Coy pages Michael “I need you to come to my office right now. We need to talk.”

“On my way.” This sounds serious he’s never requested me to get to his office. As I run up the stairs from the locker room. Arriving at Coy’s office I notice a distinct change in the atmosphere feels tense.

“Sir, Michael has arrived.” The receptionist announces.

“Send him in.” Coy sternly responds. The atmosphere in Coy’s office is thick with tension and worry so it makes my hair stand up.

“Coy, what is going on?” I ask.

“You may want to have a seat my friend. Something has happened. As you’re aware Flint went on a mission to do recon on the compound to the north two days ago and we lost contact with him sometime in the afternoon yesterday.” Coy informs me.

I take a seat cautiously “Think he’s compromised? Possibly a rescue?”

“We’re going to treat it as such unless we hear from him but as a precaution get ready. Wheel’s up in 20 minutes. As your long time friend please be careful and don’t get caught and retrieve him by any means necessary.”

“Understood. I’ll be ready in 8 minutes.” I say as I get up to leave. Running down the stairs back to the locker room to grab my weapons, I don’t have many weapons but I am specialized in hand to hand combat, knives and especially proficient with crossbows. My crossbow is special and different from ordinary ones, mine is able to fold up so I can carry it strapped to my leg it also is clip fed which aids in reload speed my bolts are special kind of like what Hawkeye uses in Avengers. I also have two katanas strapped to my back. Once I’ve strapped my weapons to me I walk to Flint’s locker to grab his gear and place them in his bag so that once I retrieve him we can fight our way out if necessary. His weapons consist of a modified rifle otherwise classified as FN-Har. As I hold his weapon for only the second time I’m able to admire the weight and feel of this impressive weapon. “I still think this weapon is too much for you my friend. I’m coming to bring you home.” I think as I load his gear ( knives, his camo suit, and his FN-HAR) into his bag and sling it over my shoulder. Turning around I head toward my bike that’ll take me to just east of the compound to overlook it.

The night drive is a cool 75 degrees which feels nice on the parts of my body that’s exposed to the air since my body is covered in fur. It smells like fall is here but not quite yet. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to a decent enough vantage point that overlooks the compound that had Flint’s last location. Once I arrive to the location I take a look around to ascertain the best spot to post up as comfortable as I can on this rocky spot with sporadic grass. Looking through my scope on my crossbow I can it heavily guarded and after a couple minutes finally locates a beaten, bloody Flint.

“Coy, we have a situation the compound Flint is in has eight guards all decked out in heavy armor and gear. I’ve located Flint, he seems to be unconscious but he could be laying low until someone arrives to get him.”

“Understood, get it done.” Responds Coy.

The compound I am currently looking at is more of a warehouse than anything else so it’s a wonder why its being used for anything. It was supposed to be empty but recently its had some activity coming and going. It’s a little concerning that Flint was sent to do recon to find out what was going on.

As I observe the compounds security I take note of how they are outfitted (heavy armor, headshots only) at least for my weapon and how many there are. As I observe the guards I notice the ones by themselves and decide to start with the outer lines of the compound with a well-placed headshot. I hold my breath to steady my shot fire my shot holding my hopes to finally see red mist appear at the base of his skull and drops. I look through my scope thinking it may have either been seen or heard and relieved to note that nothing was noticed. Having to relocate to get in position to take out two with one shot takes a moment. Once the shot has been lined up I note that this one will draw attention.

“Marcus, I’m about to have a lot of attention but I got this handled just updating you on situation.”

“Understood, I was just notified that we received a ransom call saying to pay a 1,000,000 within an hour or he’s dead and that was ten minutes after you left. We’re on crunch time here since you’ve been there for 20 minutes with the 20 to get there.”

“Got it.” I have to move to reposition in order to get lined up for my next shot and fire both, after a few seconds they drop together alerting the rest of the sentries. At this point I was able to see Flint jerk his head up to the commotion of the ones watching him run around trying to figure out what is going on. Flint is able to make out radio chatter about finding a crossbow bolt lodged in one the guards and smiles. Ah my friend you have come to bring me home. Hope you brought my toys. Flint thinks.

I’m coming Flint hold on. I think as I line up my next shot ready to fire Coy interrupts my train of thought--- “Michael, you have incoming from the north east moving swiftly. Get Flint and be gone before they arrive or you’re going be knee deep in a storm. Can’t afford to lose the both of you.”

“Understood, I have a few more to take before I get him out of there. The guards near him aren’t paying attention to him I’m going to get Flint’s attention.” I turn on my green laser light and shine it on his leg taking note of the two in the room and Flint’s reaction to the light. Seeing a nod from him he bides his time until one gets close enough to him. I take the opportunity to signal to him that I have the other one ready to drop. A few seconds go by and just like or training he breaks the rope holding him and tackles the one directly in front of him at the same moment I drop the other one.

Clearing a definite path to him I make my way to flint. On the way to him I hear the alarm go off so I pick up the pace to get him out of there before we run into what’s left of the compound.

“Coy, the alarms going off and I’m on my way to Flint do we have eyes on the compound? I need to keep clear of what’s left of the guards.”

“Yes, I do their on their way to you it’ll take a moment to get there but you’re clear. Bring him home.”

Kicking the door down to the room Flint is in finally brings me to him.

“Flint, we got to go now they know were here and we’re going to have to be gone before their reinforcements get here. Told you I would come for you no matter what.”

“Thanks, Ghost I owe you one.” Flint tells me.

“Ghost huh?” I ask. “I brought your toys. Hope you can keep up, let’s go home brother.” As I hand him his gear.

“We’ll talk about that later let’s get home first.” Flint growls out.

On the way out we hear gun fire from outside the compound--- “I’ve got your guy’s back let’s bring him home.” Announces Coy.

We were given the window needed to get clear of the building to get to our ride. It takes us a little longer to get back to Shadow Corps due to Flint’s injuries but we finally are able to. Making sure to take Flint to med bay first to get him taken care of. After I drop off Flint to med bay I took our gear to the locker room to store it. Heading back to med bay I was going over in my head what would’ve happened if I screwed up and thankful that I didn’t and was able to rescue my dear friend.

Standing by Flint’s bed with Coy we all smile and say in stereo “We’re home.”

Russell Frietze: Michael, also known as “Ghost” is a character created by me, pattern after Me, in ShadowRun a table top game that helped broaden my horizons and help me think outside of my normal boundaries. Seeing my friends and associates writing books around encouraged me to try, and thus far succeeded. I want to thank Adelaide Literary Magazine, for giving me the opportunity and platform to shine.