ALM No.69, October 2024

How does one consider love? Well honestly , we might differentiate between these elements of love, the physical, the emotional, and the metaphorical sense of loves purpose. Has love any other forms of reason to exist, if not to be felt, heard or even seen, well yes loves existence doesn’t devote to just one subject in order to be love, unconditional love is a boundless form, which has no place to be contained.
Therefore are no boundaries of sight, foresight or inner senses, it just continues to equate. Whereas a love that is merely formed of conditions has a restricted area of love, that may contain the essence of love, within the human self, as an organic source of love, maintaining through the heart, the eyes and the ears. Which comes to question, is love a feeling leading to emotions, or is love and essential part of our existence, formed through the chemicals produced by the brain, which insists that the heart might reassure this part of our devotion. In order to love do we visually sense these traits of love, as the eyes produce what is validated then by the heart, not to confuse love and lust as an equivalent entity or a vast energy that forms only through which we see, but feel.
If love was somehow created only by the heart, has the heart in its vulnerabilities a deep understanding without the others. To see love is to desire that love, unlike the ears that that hear which we represent in love. Which goes to show again can love be heard without sound, in the representation of love as sight, to fall silently in love, but hear the notions of love through the consciousness of our internal being. That being said , is love versatile? Does love intermittently use all credibility to determine the state of love, has the heart been granted above all else the status of love, without a deep comparison, to other human organs. Must the heart then determine the longevity of love, or as an open source find the truest essence of love, in that boundless form of eternal love. A love beyond explanations only to transform and as in time freely go on without an end. Whereas if you consider love to be of a physical form like touch embarked upon a body , a kiss, the basic human needs for closeness and comfort, love then becomes only a desire or a less immersive form, of energy.
Can love truely be depicted as one source, if to love entirely with all aspects of human form, sight, touch , sound/ ears , taste, speech, organs etc. would we be equipped to love with mind, body and soul. If so does love have a physical state, as well as a metaphorical state of being. One could represent love in many ways and still never understand the what it is to truly love. To hear such love might gratify the mind, and please the heart, but are our eyes to see actions of love in order to perceive in visual form how love looks, and is therefore desired.
(The eyes are the windows to the soul."
That's something a lot of historians agree with as well. The physical entities serving our vision have often been a mystical symbol of spirituality featured in many cultures worldwide)
The above statements might lead one to believe that In order for the soul to be loved, we must see it in or through the eyes of the beholder, and in doing so does sight and the manner of seeing is believing take love back to actions. And again come to question loves adequacy of action speaks louder than words. Would we then ask if a poetic gesture can be felt by the soul in love, through readings and listening to words, or do the actions of love speak volumes in the position that they lead us more in love. Should love give unconditionally to another without seeking or gaining a single thing. For is it love which we give that makes us whole, or the love that we receive.
William Shakespeare’s plays continue to represent the eyes the ears and the heart, in hamlet he speaks of these parts accompanied by the five senses, and simplifies the process of a complete form, and denotes love if having not acquired All these elements. If to love someone with your heart and soul, have you heard with your ears sweet words of hope, have you gazed upon love within their eyes, reaching their heart, touching their body, as if all these words are felt as one unique display of eternal affection. If love is blind, as they say , would one truly know the other soul, or would the very sensations of love in all sensory experience amplify in loves accord. Where does self love come to the table, are we then self endorsed as if to represent a love as strong as divine love, having sourced it from the inner places created by God. For god is love, and we are love, the image of God is good as we are good. But what then becomes of self love in the forms of ego, to bost or be to proud Is not holy, to love yourself and love others without the restrictions or boundaries, not commanding or in a certain order is without condition, a way of divine love.
In Greek terms of undying love Hercules tied a knot to symbolize it’s everlasting position. Does this put a meaning to love has me knots, feeling in the pit of our stomach those irresistible butterflies, knots, of purity in loves many symptoms. In scientific clause love is but a rush of chemicals meeting in the brain, to send or despatch the emotional sensations we claim to call love. This statement calls for a recognition that only the heart can be replaced, removed or stopped to continue, although the brain has more a substantial position, unable to be removed or transferred. Though without the constant measures of the heart, the brain would slowly die. So our bodies unique ability to love, coexists between the organisation of a highly respected matter of life, the human form. The creation of life between love, and love between the creation of life.
Love vs science states that (High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia – which means you actually can be so “in love” that you can’t eat and can’t sleep. Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship, by Katherine Wu figures by Tito Adhikary)
Where our eyes relate to love and sight, is it that in order to visualize love we must first see or be attracted to a person, often then dreaming behind closed eyes, or projecting an ideal image of that love, into our reality, daydreams and infatuated motions leading to a desire of designed love. When questioned most women might say tall dark and handsome. Or are own identities then precisely placed within another for comparability, reaching beyond the internal forms of love, to the external requirements of a happy union, the same likes and dislikes to satisfy the attributes or needs of a desired love.
If love is largely quoted by the heart, what could any other forms of love maintain in distinctly different variations. Is the human body itself a pathway to love, through interaction which leads to the soul position of love, in the endless undying devotion, which states to never die nor leave or value less. Maybe like the charkra all abundant energy and human knowledge equate to the equivalence of love, once love has been located in the heart, the brain, the ears and eyes, a connection between all sensory elements, of touch , taste, and feeling become one intuitive expression, and a higher divine being has transformed.
Is love human condition, which in terms of satisfaction changes the heart, in forms of compassion, emotional values, and attributes towards the joy of living. Can love become the very reasons we pursue more, and archive. Some might go as far to say that love is weightless, whilst many state that in comparison love is the thing that requires strength, tolerance and endurance. Being that love can fulfil, captivate, excite but also render us in forms of frustration, anger or resentment. Love Has the ability to activate fear, anxiety, and a sense of abandonment. In order for love to be successful between two willing hearts, they should be faithful observant, and at all times compassionate towards one another. To hear each others feelings being expressed, to have understanding, to see each others views In supportive ways, and Concider their moral state , in relation to how they express their values of love.
If love is by sight, the illustrations of love must always be a beautiful, trusting canvas, to hear love is to always have compassion and truthful words as and act of giving the other strength, with encouraging desire to be a better person. Although we simply do not rely on touch alone, a tenderness, comfortable embrace, must be nurtured and well obtained, for touch alone in love without the very intamcy of the heart, the soul, would be more desirable to any other human being, to love on a higher level, a selfless love is a more efficient way to love. If we love entirely for the mechanics of another person, we leave ourselves vulnerable to hurt, and heartache. As to loving freely without the desire to restrict or restrain, without obsessing over the other, or being possessive, we live in a truest form of love. As does the loved, to the lover.
If love is more about a human form the great creation of life, do we ever truly learn the ways of a spiritual existence in the light of love. In order to exist in love that is divine, and solely devoted to God himself, do we then practice love and praise the virtues which make us one. Has love then extended beyond matters of the heart, existing in the unknown but felt vacuity of loves unique form, in endless energy and unseen forces, that meet at the presence of a soul. For so many religious beliefs derived from the heart, and in many cases praise it as loves organ of Faith. The greater good, the essence of life, it’s fair to say that the heart for centuries has taken pride of place in love, and literature. The very she as per of as heart is not of compassion to any other shape. How do we know that love is infinite , endless, without proof we except this form, and in loves great honour we claim it to be true. When we love another whole heartedly, admirably, and significantly, we do not see and do not wish to hear of an end. So love has the ability to be compelling , in our wishful state of love living on and continuing forever.
(What does Shakespeare sonnets say about love? Throughout his sonnets, Shakespeare clearly implies that love hurts. Yet despite the emotional and physical pain, like the speaker, we continue falling in love. Shakespeare shows that falling in love is an inescapable aspect of the human condition—indeed, expressing love is part of what makes us human). Literary devices Shakespeare’s sonnets, Different Types of Romantic Love.
In some countries the liver is seen as the ultimate representing organ and source of love, a healthy liver means a healthy body which is presented to another in the acts of love which is seated for the very heart.
Nardine Sanderson is an Australian author poetess , the author of bare winter and the longings of spring, and beneath a stone unturned. Nardine Sanderson has written over 8,000 poems, including children’s books of poetry unpublished. Nardine’s love of words reaches out to touch the readers heart, she has been published in multiple magazines and anthologies , received numerous awards and certificate, including an ambassador of peace award.