ALM No.68, September 2024

Chapter One, like a Monday morning
I feel like my first day at school, writing the foundation was extremely enlightening, I needed to find my forgiveness, all my friends died, and Ed I miss you more than the others, and I salute you brother. I stayed, I'm here, living in the present, this is not a party where people know your name, if you stay with me one more night. If this were a TV series, if I stayed with you one more night. but this is not a party where they know your name. Go, or don't go, why don't you stay one more night, go or stay with me one more day. "This isn't a party where people know your name”
So many lost dreams, all those faces, where are they now, we wait for their return, but I still hear them, when there's no one else around, this is my life, I can't turn my back now, I'll be here, for a while I've been waiting for you all my life, but I'll walk away, "if you love me, let me go”
The universe got in touch, he arrived without knocking on the door, it was a kick in the head, wow, I was losing my sight, losing my reason, I just wanted someone to say that all the little things were going to be okay.
But nothing was right, nothing was right, I cried, I cut my life into pieces, I lost my sight, I lost and cried. Imagine me and you, I think about you all the time, so happy together, imagine that the world could go very well without both of us,
Because the skies would be blue all the time, so happy together. And I, who dreamed of writing songs, am simply leaving an instruction manual for my future SELFs, so happy together.
I thank the universe, that my words are all directly from him, that I am a simple radio connecting your frequency, that I can vibrate your light, that I can be a father to you, that I can make you fly, the wings are in you, look inside, I want to share everything with you, so that you reach me, and together we can feel the night, the memories passing quickly, the night coming out of nowhere in rays of light, I want to share everything with you, and soon it will make you feel alive. "feel alive, feel the night”
And I think I'm this adult, the universe just told me that it's my inner child screaming…
A pause, talking about the universe is talking about love, in the next few days I will try in words to describe the universe, the stars and their planets, I will humbly allow myself to listen, in silence writing, just breathing and exhaling, an analogue digital antenna that is supporting my pyramid, may my light make a hole in the sky, and may you feel the divine hand in your heart.
The true love way. I rescued my heart from all the prisons I put myself in, I met princesses, elfs and demons, it's a difficult path, but it's the way of love, because we will be so free, happy alone, there are babies who stay if asking and walking around,
Ah, the universe, how magnificent and unimaginable, its mysteries, its entrances and exits, black holes open to knowing, the biological mathematics that is being, and its present space and time.
It's in the water, it's where we came from, they cry to see your face, it's in your daughter, and all the glory she will bring, beside her they stood, vibrating only an energy to the future, an energy of peace and love, and all his glory will form them.
I need to find my home every day, like a breathing Rolling Stone, that I never lack love on my journey, that I don't let myself be blinded again by the Sun, that I understand and respect our distance, on my knees I surrender to you, In my hands I carry love, in my words I will carry peace, and so I will get lost in the four corners of the world, everything is planned, your flying saucer will be waiting for you at the end of the map.
Follow your path, build your roads, write down your story, tell a sincere story, made with heart and dedication. That night you pray, don't take anything, just thank you, walk in peace, confess to yourself, and embrace your Hail Marys.
It all started with a photo, now we need accurate information, so swallow it and after downloading, this new sensation gives you pleasure, my friend, make your own kind of music, make your own type of sound.
Chapter two, enjoy the silence
Rebirth, a new story, a good beginning, a new love, there will always be a new dawn, so enjoy the silence, the world is a reflection, as Rumi said, bring your anger and your pride at your feet, and make it a ladder, and climb the highest one. The universe tells me so many things, gives me that touch of gray, but I'm going to get by, try to keep a little grace.
For it is in the silence of the night, that I have the dimension of your greatness, Einstein said, the true sign of intelligence, is not knowledge but imagination, once we accept our limits we go beyond them.
For this journey of self-knowledge my friend, I will need you to free your imagination. You will have to walk this path alone, so be patient. I will teach you how to walk again, I believe you have waited long enough, where do we start?
Close your eyes, find yourself in your darkness, feel yourself growing strong, touch yourself, learn to talk to yourself, forget the walls, free yourself from all ties, see yourself as a floating energy, everything is within your reach, learn to say goodbye, let go of everything and everyone,
This journey has no tenants, it will be you against yourself, tears come, smiles too, but none of that matters, because the moments you will be speechless will be the most exciting, and I give you, I say the name of the game, we call it riding the gravy train. The universe is wonderful, may you enjoy this journey, may I show you all the secrets that nothing holds for you, may I give you a vision, a taste of what it is, may you have the desire to grow in your imagination.
May you be able to free yourself, free your mind and your body, may we built this city in rock and roll, welcome to my mind, through these lines I will show you frequencies, it just depends on you, which ones you are looking for, but remember that, I can't create anything in your head, only you will have this power, what I can do is simply show you the paths, the doors and the trapdoors. Acceptance and patience my dear padawan you will have to have, the universe will show you the signs, but you have to believe, and when you are ready it will show you, you will have doubts, this is normal, but believe in a force and in yourself
Even though it will be vital, all its energy comes from your imagination, from your power to feel the now, and channel your mind and body, your boat will have to sail, leave the slopes, there will be days of storms, days of pain, without direction , do not be afraid, it will be your baptism of fire, you will walk on the coals, but you will not fear, because your greater power will be at your side, the faith that is within you will be totally lost, and only then will it be restored,
It will be something new, it will be from the inside out, it will be the eternal fire of your soul. But remember, your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them, your focus will determine your reality, you have to unlearn everything you've learned, do it or don't do it, there is no such thing as trying.
I read gestures and intentions... words don't fool me anymore... when they're just sounds. To listen to the universe, you need to have unconditional love in your chest, a trail of lit and healed chakras, on the back of your head is the connector of your connection with your superior, on your forehead is your blank screen, your notebook, take your notes and create your book,
when the eyes betray, believe in your faith, walk on invisible bridges, let the universe guide you, kneel to it, and find gratitude in your steps, stop forgiving yourself and stand up,
There is no more need for forgiveness, from now on simply have gratitude, and never forget to say your prayers. Circular model, the law of vibration, as it makes sense, a curve was necessary to be able to see ahead, all these ups and downs, it was scary for a while, I got lost in my arrogance, I didn't know how to thank you the first time you appeared, this time It will be a Fourth of July,
You are original, you cannot be replaced, everything leads you to your perfect door, you just have to turn on the lights, and own your night. Be fireworks, boom boom boom, it's always been inside you, and now it's time for you to let it go.
On this journey we will have darkness and light, a circular line of love must form in the shape of a figure eight lying down, the darkness passing through the light and vice versa, find this within your being, you will need a love that makes you happy, it seems a little crazy That's all, but baby you don't want to make me happy.
Life is a road, put the top down on your mind, and enjoy the view, there's a world out there around you, where the blues won't hurt you no more, this is the road and these are the hands, we are survivors ,
I've already driven all night, this distance between us, when we look into each other's eyes, I tell you again, life is a road, if you come with me, we'll walk all night, my love, country roads, always I will be this metamorphosis, to enter the universe, I needed to close my eyes, be born and die, learn to fly, forget gravity, surrender to everything that love brought to my life, the universe will enchant you,
it will tell you a story, nothing is by chance, everything has its direction, an intention, it's playing detective with yourself, your innermost secrets, the way you want, the way you need, my life was told by rock bands from the 80s, I opened my heart to the universe, I gave in my darkest desires, it was a conversation that lasted years, a game of chess, I was patient, I waited my turn.
The law of action, faith is not enough without the necessary action, the way of love, a little blue note, the universe is a million songs. I was lost in the room one ten zero nine, waiting for a connection, I was already high on you, may the good lord shine a light on you,
Ah, angels, wings and halos, what a magnificent vision, believe in angels, believe in yours angels, may they lead you to the door you are looking for, don't be afraid of what you will find, stand up and be grateful.
Life is perfect, never complain again, breathing and walking is necessary, salvation, salvation, salvation is free, don't feel alone brother, you were never alone, not for a second, we are all in you, we are one, for That's it, today, feel loved, embrace yourself, love, because salvation is free." Zelda... do You hear me... find me in your dreams... see me in the close of your eyes... my daughter, there I will be... by your side... in a place of our own, among the light and dark... "
You will need your inner child to see the universe, you will have to walk hand in hand with it, because to see the universe, you will need your imagination, and only in your inner child will you find self-love, just company, your mind goes through this line of magic and science that exists in your being, whatever happens will be ok,
Come anytime, welcome to the universe, knock and enter. Be grateful as you float, as you lose gravity, let yourself go, just distill and relax, look around at nothing, the stars and black holes, imagine yourself in an expanding octagon, forget the passwords to enter, your DNA is engraved in their existence, the use of names will not be necessary, know their importance for the universe,
The law of correspondences, they are manifestations of the spiritual world, contaminate the environments with happiness. If all I do is try, that means I don't believe, fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi, and to say that if a Jedi dies, the light dies, that would be pure vanity.
It takes strength to resist the dark side, wars don't make you unique, when you understand the force, you will see how small you are, and how little you know, focus on the moment, feel, don't think, believe in your feelings. Instincts, if you define yourself by the power to take a life, the desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing.
The law of Karma, it will not be easy, there will be losses and sacrifice, but we cannot give up just because of fear, at this time we need to get up, because nothing happens by chance. Everything in life has a price.
I'm going to give you an example of how the universe works: you want to play the music track, and it simply doesn't happen, so stop, listen, soon tomorrow will come, chance pushes those who cling to denial, the support is that Soon tomorrow comes, bite the bullet to start over.
Open your eyes now and allow yourself to listen, what is left will be scars. Meeting of souls, words of love, I feel your perfume, your voice is soft and smooth, congratulations, be rock, be you.
A happiness, I never saved money for the sunset, it was always an adventure, I always took candy from strangers, it was a journey of love and nights and days, thank you sir, I had a love that keeps me happy, from flesh to bone, I needed a love that would make me happy, my Rolling Stone heart, if my guitar could speak, I don't know what that song would be yet, but practice and be practical, let it be just love. off LINE, with all the music inside me, just a click away, life is a road.
Your love is a lie that my vanity wants, and my poetry of a blind man, cannot see that in my world something has died, our love we invent, we wait, I am an exaggerated eternal, it is in my veins be like this, a thousand roses and all stolen, and a while ago, for you I would give up everything, money, career and straw.
This cruel passion, all my mistakes, I wouldn't be able to breathe if you didn't notice me, even on the most banal backs, for me it's all or never again, I adore and admire an invented love.
Crazy life, since I can't take you, I want you to take me, and in a short life, let it be light, because no one will forgive us, I'm tired of so much nonsense, so much carelessness, of this eternal lack of anything to say.
Ah immense life, I want you to take me, our crime doesn't pay, my machine gun full of sorrows, but know that the dice still roll, and so I survive without a scratch, I see the future repeating the past, time doesn't stop, It's all a museum of great news.
All the love there is in this life for you. the luck of a peaceful love, with the flavor of bitten fruits, and some change to provide security, for poetry that we don't experience, to transform boredom into a whole body like a hurricane, and some medicine that gives me joy.
Wow, wow, listen to the músic, ALL the time.
The twelve laws of the universe, about thinking I will, let's start at the beginning, the law of energy, the universe is made of energy, nothing is lost, in string theories energy fields are formed, energy fields are around us and in all spaces, it is possible to feel the lines vibrating, not with the eyes but with the heart, this leads me to the law of rhythm, everything has its flow, the river will always flow to the sea, in its own time, I already spoke about law of action, what leads us to the law of unity, everything is in interconnection with the spark within you, the strength is from the inside out, but remember that a love so strong, can send you in different paths, the power of the inner child may surprise you, the chemicals are taking their toll on this bed.
The balance of the law of gender, you know how to balance your masculine and feminine sides, as well as dark and light, everything is a circle, which passes through a triangle, inside a square, this is how I can see the universe, through calculations geometric, and with my eyes closed, I need to take a moment, breathe, enjoy the moment, because everything in life has a polarity, the law of opposites, these are mental vibrations, take this moment, and see everything that is given to us, this whole world of information, feel it when you get lost, put a price on this whole life.
Law of relativity, perspective and perception, relativism is in everything, it is a high territory, we are evolving and floating, law of transmutation, everything around is growing, evolving, they die and are born, this is normal, it is the process, life in a fast lane. Cause and effect, law of compensation, we reap what we sow.
The best known, the law of attraction, forget about all the others, we are what we attract, what takes us the law of correspondences, everything done with great affection and love for you, see like a blind person, talk to a mute, listen by turning a deaf ear, the universe dwells in silence, signs continue, transmissions of love, use your imagination, don't get caught up in a look, raise the fire in your heart, see the sky tonight, all in mother wings crossing the skies
We will leave flowers on your grave, because the sky is so far away, You have to get up to go down, I live in Senna's S, you have to get up, get up, get up to fall, think and dance, I'm the only one who chooses and makes my own enemies, I do everything for my desires. I served in the army of love, and I realized that you can't save everyone.
Simple notes of anticipation notes, you will win wars, you will build empires, a king without a crown, without a throne, I was once someone, but now I am someone else. I will write thirteen chapters, about the universe slowly I will, passing messages and returning signs, may I be strong, so that in my silence I can speak... Thank you to the universe, may it be my light in the darkness. goodnight.
“we need Ted Logan, that the Jack Traven's of life appear, the Johnny Utah, we are millions of Neo's and Thomas Anderson's, that your mr. Wick brings you comfort and security, good people, welcome.x”
Chapter three, You spin my head, right round, when it goes down…
The universe, set of all existing matter, energy, space and time, planets, comets, stars, galaxies, nebulae, satellites, among others. The universe is, therefore, more than an immense place, it is everything, and encompasses everything that exists. The most accepted scientific and cosmological theory and model about the origin of the universe is called the Big Bang.
The Big Bang theory says that all matter and energy were concentrated in a super dense and hot point, known as a singularity. From this point on, the universe expanded in a process known as inflation, which lasted an infinitesimal fraction of time.
A series of transformations continued to happen for billions of years, until the structure with which we know it today. The universe expanded more and more, so that it cooled, giving rise to the different stars.
More recent studies indicate that the approximate age is between 13.8 and 14 billion years. Planets are solid, rounded bodies that do not have their own light and heat. However, each planet has its own gravity, which revolves around a star. Natural satellites, celestial bodies that orbit the planets.
Galaxies are a collection of planets, stars and gases. The universe has approximately 100 billion galaxies. We live in the galaxy called the Milky Way, where the solar system is located. Comets are celestial bodies that have little mass and irregular orbits. The best known is Halley's Comet.
Stars, spherical celestial bodies formed from plasma and that have their own light and heat, for example, the Sun. Satellites are classified into natural satellites and artificial satellites, satellites are solid celestial bodies that orbit the planets. The best-known natural satellite is the Moon and the artificial satellite is Sputnik.
Black holes are among the most massive celestial objects that exert the greatest gravity.
All of this has been frightening, but enlightening, it has given me fear, and demonstrated confidence, I don't know how it took me so long to realize, the whole and the nothing that exists within me, microcosm to macrocosm, from stars to subatomic particles, everything can be learned in cosmology. Pythagoras said, listen and you will be wise, the beginning of wisdom is silence, if what you have to say is not more beautiful than silence, shut up.
The universe as a whole, within nothingness, is how we should feel when we close our eyes, a train running away, a circus tent, water straight from the source, which you can drink in silence, and manifest in space and time.
You know that poster on your wall, that advertisement on television, the universe is in everything, it talks to you, when I realized that they were signs, that the third eye really opened, and my vision changed, it all came coming like a boiling dream, a priest in his pulpit, and I saw how he transformed me, it was the greatest show.
When it comes in all the colorful colors, we light up, and we won't come down, it's all I ever wanted, all that I needed.
The impossible becoming true, taking over me, this is the greatest show, not even the walls stopped what was happening, everything became small and big at the same time, the universe enters you, like a spirit giving messages, a light from the stars , it was all I needed, a shooting star, a form of energy and heat, I was too tight, my love needed to expand, I had to serve it right.
Redemption, how long it took, the first time I saw you, I should have kneeled at your feet, how everything was new when the universe appeared to me, how my pride and arrogance blinded me, it's not easy to grow up as the chosen one, until we understand that we are all chosen, and that it only depends on you, knowing whether it is you or not, it is all in the power of believing in yourself, remember what the oracle says, it is in you, but not in this life. To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.
Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
The universe will grow within you, if you believe in the force, everything will fall into place, the powers in your being are infinite, close your eyes when you catch them, the energy that comes from you will light up roads, keep you company on rainy days, we need silence to hear the universe, its movements are light and coordinated.
Let your heart guide you, when listening to your higher self, believe in it, there is no reason to give in halfway, this will only work if you are 110 percent involved. In a sky with so many people, only a few want to fly, that's not crazy
It's a sweet feeling, it's such a good vibration, only a child knows, it's a hot temptation, my God thank you, I filled my emptiness with love, the universe belongs to me, and I belong to it, through the darkness, but I I feel home, I don't care if I call myself crazy.
We can live in a world we design, I think about what the world could be, a million dreams for the world we will make. With far away stuff, if it all seems like we've lost our minds, just run to a world you draw. it can be big or small, but go to a world that you see, that you close your eyes to see,
What can I say about the universe, red, white and blue, it freed me, I'm rocking in a free world.
What should I say to the universe, well, first thank you, I'm grateful, imagine walking in a tunnel, spiral, and inclined upwards to the northeast, go through this dark tunnel, until you find a point of light, focus your energy on that point of light, until an explosion inside your mind happens, release all the accumulated energy, see the light inside your darkness, and be grateful, simply be grateful, evolve your way of seeing streaming, remember, radio waves, microwaves, everything in the universe It's on.
Outside my window I can hear the train blow, I'll push the clouds out, I'll let the music have its way, 'cause it's almost Saturday night and I'll steal my heart away.
When you hear locomotion, be ready, good times, times of calm, when we look at the universe, and see ourselves inside it, part of it, everything becomes magical, you can create, use your imagination, that's why I talked about waking up your inner child, this lost and found inside you, a little tenderness, oh tenderness please come down.
Your imagination is limitless, allow yourself to connect stars in the universe, see the patterns and shapes that the universe gives you, they are graphs and statistics, have your brush in hand, draw your world, fill it with stars, make better days come, You have to stay, get off the ground, and speak loudly.
Oh lord, what is this world about, in the darkness of the city, I don't have a place to go home, I'm just a stranger in this city, living with the thought away bothers people, if they know the world I have inside of me, how I make myself happy every day, how my soundtrack feeds me, a heart always finds its way, I thank you I thank you, I remain a stranger to this city, my soul is my home, I walk alone through my Darkness, I'm not dying, but can you hear that sound, the midnight rain is coming, I don't wish for any danger, I'm just a stranger, a stranger in your town.
A stranger in the universe, raise your hands and pray, fall in love again, the darkness looks beautiful under the shine of a star, the black in the universe is beautiful, it protects the universe, it works like a protective mirror, what goes around comes around.
The magic of darkness, don't get lost into it, find your source of heat, let it shine. Have your peaceful place in the universe, a place where only you can go, your privacy, your little corner, there you can learn, be at peace, get lost in all the nothingness that exists within yourself, I was always on the outside looking in, but it's at Edge that the sparks explode,
I swear someone is leaving messages for me, on the sidewalk of my street. In time you will leave the past behind, and learn that everything changes, we divide and disappear, see the me and you in all aspects, the universe gives you this vision, the power is in you, from the inside out, disappears to two opposite sides, I just hope the world you find is better than the one you left behind.
It's all in your head, and inside they fight, at three in the morning they wake me up. Oh, getting lost in the universe, what a feeling, letting go, without gravity, without breathing, without time and place, time stops for three whole seconds.
What a magical touch, take time to waste the moment, never ask for forgiveness. Look into your eyes, see yourself, put a price on everything that's alive, Your songs go with you, so my friend, when you're floating, jump, because you're standing, it lifted you up, I can see what you mean, the power of the word, writing dreams, my back is to a recording machine, and I'm not the worst you've ever seen, so jump, just jump.
It's like someone turned on the overdrive, even when the music is off, the universe and its country girls, whatever you have in mind, I must be doing something right, by the look in your eye.
Give me something for the pain, give me something for the blues, a shelter from the rain, something that I can wear and get through the night.
Your imagination is what will guide you through the universe, it's a way that you can use, it comes and goes, and if you lie you lose it, feelings show themselves, so don't let go.
No one is alone until someone leaves, the universe is expanding, and to understand it you need to be expanding too.
A mind must always be open, don't let your eyes deceive you, the mind is your third eye, see beyond reach, wake up the lion within you, be it a cat, a feline, with heightened senses, nine lives, that's it. There are nine deaths.
Sail the sea that exists in the universe, let go. I never felt like I was nowhere, every time I saw you, you were so alive, and all I wanted was for you to shine, shine in this life that was Burnout.
A reaction was all I wanted, but on my own feet, I took a conscious step, so I want to feel, your shine upon me
In the universe I see myself, I feel safe, he doesn't exercise any authority over me, all the songs are in my favorite tone, he warms me like the sun, he lets me breathe, he never says goodbye but always says hello, a magician of pinball, here in the fields, I fight for my meals, so don't cry, take my hand, and we will go soft through the earth.
We will be together before we grow old, teenage confessions, eternal lovers, in search of a sun, and a moon, a single light, a greater love, may the peace of the universe be in you, say I love you to him every second, and may you have the humility to hear him say it back, you can be anyone, a fool lost by the Sun, be the one who goes tonight, you are under control, and freedom is a lonely word.
A piece of me will be dancing in the streets all night, a spark, be great to each other, I see the future, it's beautiful, but I can't touch what I don't have yet, we'll be so free, happy alone , sharing a smile, so far from home.
I'm working hard for this, making music, making lies, who doesn't have money, tells stories, basic mathematics, the path of love, towards Santiago I'll go to the south of France I'll start a new journey, making songs, happy alone.
The universe is not for beginners, no one ever taught you how to play, and if you can't handle it, go back to where you came from, take your money and run. global heat has increased, if you can't take it, walk away from the game, go back the way you came.
The universe is cold, you will lose all your friends there, loved ones and loves are the past, all your friends have died, the universe only exists if it is for two, how to find a known soul on the way, let love open the door, let my love open the door, to your home.
When everything seems to be everywhere, the limitless space you allow me, lift me from misery, and it will set me free, love heals your problems, let my love open the door to your heart.
Go where the sound takes you…
A moment of truth in my life, when everything seems like a movie, everything is made to break, a guitar solo, with a beginning, middle and an end, I don't think they understand, I just want you to know who I am, even if They don't understand that everything was made to break.
The love that completes me, makes me smile, makes me cry, but I close my eyes and I see more than a feeling, I think it's a dream, I see myself walking away, so many people coming to me,
I need to walk alone and reaching my heaven, this is more than a feeling, through songs, I rescued my being, I have my traditions and customs, I am free, I am my own planet, we only stop being disciples when we begin to feel, we are masters of our destiny,
The path of love, more than a feeling, is a dream, follow the golden bricks, be happy on rainy days, may the universe show you that everything is possible, the impossible is a matter of opinion, distance doesn't make sense but, For me, space and time do not exist, we are light, energy that vibrates in frequencies, this is the feeling I have when I am by your side,
I was never a person alone, I was always by your side, bad love, no more bad love, because for me everything has always been blue, and I have no more memory to remember, I need something to be proud of, no more bad love.
A free guitar playing the universe, that I know the moments of silence, that the stars illuminate me, and my guardian angels protect me, that with the horse and the sword of Saint George, I make my home on the moon, and feed All dragons, may misery love your company, frustrated and incorporated.
Because I know what you need, I know what you would pay to get. We make the cure, we create the disease, frustrated and incorporated, I have the thing you seek, but I need to take you out of your misery, there is a path of love waiting for you, have you satisfied your greed, submit all your desires, everything incorporated and frustrated within you, like an operating system, like software, the path of love is a path of truth, only you and the universe will follow, may this friendship grow in you, may you see in my eyes that there was something missing ,
That you listen, don't play dead, your love saved me, and we are still together, when I said I love you, I meant that I will love you forever, I just want to keep loving you.
The road, every day opens up more for me, there are no trails for my heart, with my falcon I enter the forest, I make my trails, all of this, because I continue to love you. In my life, so many lost dreams, where are all my friends, the millions of faces, where are they now, I still hear them now, when there is no one around,
I just walk away, this is my life, I can't give up With my back to her, I've been waiting here for a lifetime, and when there's no one around, I can go back and walk down the empty street, where they were, I still hear them now, when no one's around,
I'll walk away, the road continues, don't get lost, admire everything around you, this new friendship with the universe, stop fighting this feeling, and lose your fear and let it show, have the strength to show it, there is no reason for your fear, because at the same time universe side, you are safe, everything is clear, and you will get as close as you can, the universe will show you the dock where you can leave your boat, you no longer remember why you were fighting, you can never fight this feeling , come crawling through the door, the universe will welcome you with open arms, and closed eyes, everything nothing becomes everything.
That you can see the magic of the universe, with your eyes open, that you hold your breath, it's a dark path, and it can kill you, it can kill everything inside you, it's a hard path, but it's the path to love. and I'll go crazy to see your face, 'cause we'll be so free, so far from home, and we'll laugh until we cry,
The universe is going around, spiraling, feel it, as if for the first and last time, spin like a dog , you will be free, happy alone, and you will laugh until you cry, making songs, happy alone
Chapter four, free your mind…
You have your place in the universe, this battle has already been won, your voice is the only vote, your word is king, don't cut off heads, heal and set them free.
Let your imagination flow, you will only see the tip of the iceberg. The rest is submerged in dark matter. go wherever the sound takes you, have a good time.
The universe is polite, it comforts you and feeds you, like a mother, a mother who has been a father all her life.
The universe works like a fedora on my head. I needed to find this man inside me, the universe allowed me to sculpt, and embrace this soul. I don't need anything, except a good time, how can I resist, I just look for good times, it's just that I look.
Take it easy, the universe will not charge you anything, it is a friend of yours, don't let its deafening sound drive you crazy, the silence babe, the sweet lord who will save you. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.
You seek perfection, I heard that only those who wanted it were sad, things that I will now understand, why you are so angry.
Toys and flavors, because you don't show what you're looking for, Seeing tomorrow, living in the present, from a past that no longer exists, a new road, without gates and doormen, just messengers passing by, astronauts without homes, each one on your ship, coming from distant planets, each speaks a language, each sings a song.
Don't mind, we were so young, I still listen to the songs, it reminds me of a friend, my father saying don't worry my son, heaven has a plan for you, see, heaven has a plan. I'm telling you about my contact with the universe, but I can only imagine what it will be like, what my eyes will say, when I'm floating in its glory.
I will dance, sing Hallelujah, and fall to my knees, when I find myself standing looking at the sun, I can only imagine.
Learning to silence others outside of oneself is important, blue in the dark, blind, now I see, the truth, lies in half, wrong cannot be undone, or words from the tip of the tongue.
Tenderness a little tenderness, it will be necessary, what starts with a friendship becomes stronger, don't be afraid, I will give you direction, I will make everything clearer, a candle in the window, getting closer and closer, making you forget, and throw all your pain away forever, and come falling through the door, but stop fighting this feeling, the universe loves you, it will hold hands with you, it will be a friend, a partner and a brother.
A call, because your heart is on fire, it is turned on and lit, in words with flames, speaking the language of love, as if you know what it means, you are simply the best, the best I have ever met, In your heart There is the star, that warms you and illuminates you every day, as long as you are in his arms, everything will be fine,
I hear every word you say to me, and it's time for me to go, that path between my heart and my soul It's full of adventures, it's the best, better than everything else, better than anyone I've ever met, leading me to break in two, and so we will be love.
But time on my hands could be spent with you, and that's why they call it the blues, live every second, without excitement, when just a girl cries in her high heels, time on my hands love, laughing like children, between the blankets, dreams, a simple I love you, time that will be spent with you.
The universe, in a way that you can use, boy don't you know, don't let go. No one is right until someone is wrong, no one is alone, until someone is gone, everything has a way of using, practice will lead to perfection, of being human and completely imperfect, because if you lie, you will get lost, and feelings Will show, I've seen dark skies, but never like these.
The wind blows and time stands still, see the magic around, see the things that are taking you home, keep in view, everything that is good for you, in the darkness there is so much love, your heart goes boom boom boom.
When the illusion is no longer necessary, and you think you are free, just a silhouette, spinning in space, keep the dreams that took you home, keep them all close to your heart, good thoughts, words of peace, a road shines its headlights, no traffic lights, an eternal curve, your speed is measured by your heartbeat, life in a fast lane, law of action, he knew all the right people, he had lines on his face, and lines in the mirror, life in fast lane, all at the same time.
The universe will scare you and heal you, with your eyes closed you will be welcomed into a new world.
Save time and money, you won't use them on the way. I turned the world upside down for you, a very aggressive game. I lost someone a long time ago. For every trip, I had to say goodbye, always starting over somewhere new. I got good at it, I learned how to build my nests , because I need my night's sleep.
Lions and lambs, a vision of ourselves being invented, be a limitless being, there is no end, just a curve forward.
Can't stop this feeling, when you start to believe, hysteria when you're there, intuition, you can hide, I ,,,,believe, I need to know tonight, can you stop this feeling, magic, mysteries and miracles when you're near.
We put soldiers at risk, and I have already taken my share of the blame. They are lions led by lambs. We must change things, hysteria when that happens, when you have that feeling, can you feel it, and start to believe it.
We are not indestructible, some things are worth fighting for, there is no easy way out, there is no short way home, I see these ugly faces, thinking it could be you and me, if giving could be wrong. love, my baby we can share all this, there are feelings that never died, I just want to know why. I have no easy way out, no short way home.
Might as well jump, it took me time to understand, a leap of faith, must be taken towards the universe, we are the people, one by one, we are the ones who are crying, full of anger and full of doubts, and we will break all the rules, we will never choose to be fools.
We are tired of being used, in the heat, and in defeat, we will be the ones who are screaming, full of anger and doubt, I will never be blinded by the fool's eye, Peter my friend, get up and walk, sing your songs with your own voice, your talk box. It seduces you, scares you and makes you feel in between.
Feed the hunger for knowledge, for light to all ignorance, be a master of silence, point to the sun, and build your dreams, go to the origin of your being, in the workshop of the mind, use all the tools you find, don't get attached to visions, remember all your senses, everything around you is at your disposal, it will not be necessary to waste your imagination.
The universe and its plans, with open eyes I will trust them. Every time I look at my future, I see something bigger, Something' big, a dream within several, giving peace a chance, and being able to sing, donate, surrender to the universe.
Thinking that we are alone would be like taking a spoon in the ocean and saying that there are no fish, we only see 1 percent, and we use 10 percent of the brain, the liberation of the mind, the power that is behind the third eye, free yourself sister, free yourself brothers, the universe has in store for you an enchanting journey through love, forgiveness and gratitude, fasten your seatbelts, uno, duno, three fourteen, turning up the sound is necessary,
Focus on the now, faith in your sparks of love, be Sparks of fire, I've been hitting the bottoms of bottles, but look what I found, another piece of my heart there on the floor, and my prayers are working tonight. a piece of my heart, there is on the floor.
The seven seals will be opened, seven sins, chapters of your story, so take me to the wishing well, and throw water in my eyes so that I can see, a mother's love, will open and break the seven seals. the universe just wants to say that it loves you, whatever your type of sound.
Chapter Five, Stop and Stare…
In the beginning, there was nothing, Miles and miles are open to me, I walk through the valley of shadows, I say hello as always, the truth will set you free,, don't worry darling, we can run away from it all, no matter what they say, all the dark in the universe It has a gray feel.
Living in the now, vibrating for tomorrow, the universe has my bed in its home, I am welcome, I feel at home, I see the light. but rest assured, because the men in black will come, be strong, leaders and groups, you see what I see, stop and stare, a universe of a million songs.
I got back on my feet, and looked at what I found, another piece of my heart lying there on the floor, someone carrying me, all the pieces mixed together there on the floor.
Your soul feeds on energy, feeds if it is not necessary, doesn't get attached to anything, learns to love everything, and be grateful.
Use all the tools you find, don't get attached to visions, remember all the senses, everything around you is available, not wasting your imagination will be necessary.
The respect of genders, the evolution of masculine and feminine, in a single curve, a loop, evolving from cocoons to butterfly, being reborn and flying in flames, through nothingness ahead, imagine all races rising, in frequencies, towards a only strength, your soul is freed, neither man nor woman, just an angel, a semi-god, the evolution of a being.
Stop for a moment, breathe, clear the path to your chakras, light up, see the root, create a circle and go up, with your eyes closed, focus on your breathing, and feel the path that the air takes inside you, oxygenate your brain, cleanse all the negative thoughts that are in you, breathe in, breathe out, don't be afraid, there are lives and lives in this process, it's like walking on a machine, the path is to breathe in, breathe out, the blood is in motion, you will be conscious the entire time, as you are a machine head, keep rising, elevating yourself, getting to know yourself, you will not have an instruction manual for your body, you will have to test all the buttons, believe in all the solutions of security, in the blink of an eye everything can change, please allow me to introduce myself, I am a man of good taste, I was there when Jesus had his moment of doubt and pain, nice to meet you, I hope you know my name, for pleasure, is the nature of my game.
It's in your face, but you can't take it, because you want it all, but you can't have it, the law of attraction, have you ever thought about manifesting all our desires, serious life is a mess, a feeling, what it's like to feel, besides to know yourself, for you to understand the law of attraction, you have to be in love with yourself, but be careful, because fear manifests itself too, and we cannot forget that we vibrate in dark matter.
This reminds me of when I was 16, listening to Pearl Jam and thinking that I was right, if I knew that everything was leading me in this direction when I arrived, I would be grateful every day for being alive, I lost all my hopes, but in the end I found love, I am very grateful.
That I never freeze, I can always reinvent, hey ho lets go, what they want I don't know, don't shoot her in the back, everything is in the backseat, get comfortable, and say hello to a very high quality sound, high frequencies just a click away, labyrinths from your mind to your soul, in the jungle, welcome to the jungle, I want to hear you scream, you learn to live like an animal, you start to believe, I will see you please, When you're high, you don't want to be so down.
I believe in something called love, I want to kiss you, touch you all the time, it comes straight from my heart, invades my mind and projects itself into space. make me a man, I don't need my toys anymore, time to give them away, because I believe in the sun going down, the universe makes me better, nothing in the past, the future is his and the now is mine, we are at peace, you have that if you feel like a woman, she will free you, but if you look to me, to free you, I can't, but she will, it only depends on you, my brother and my friend, the thief of the night, the Robin wood of love, You have to be a woman to feel love, it will set you free.
We don't know, so we chase them, answers and questions, what you don't know you can feel, what you don't have you don't need now, be grateful, even if it flows, on my path, I'm alive, I embrace every second, I love myself, even if it flows, blowing in my hands, I'm on my way, I thank you and I walk, smiling more than crying.
If everything was going to stay like this forever, if everything was going to be this good forever, all I ask of you, is not to stop the joker flying overhead, looking at everything, all the people he sees in the light, he flies overhead, everyone the days, and if he takes you, what happens.
I no longer feel alone, my love is in me, with him I am at peace, only I know the good he does for me, I can no longer give up on myself, survive the darkness and walk brother, auto parts record player, show me where look, I lay down on the floor, last year I died, this year I don't die, wake up and sleep, a long step to dreams, love will be there, teach me how to talk, teach me where to find it, let yours shine now, Even mistakes are rights, gain power, give me a sign, tell me what I will think, you are those guys who hate everything.
I grew up in the middle of summer, and I hate everything about you, until love comes and invades you like an old country song, I smoke in the morning and drink my beer late in the afternoon.
If you don't like the way I live, just leave me alone. Don't worry about my soul, I don't ask anyone for anything, because I can get it on my own.
I stopped and stared, now I need to continue, with my guitar I will walk, learn to sing, release my voice, howl at the universe, I was born a Rolling Stone, an astronaut and his elements, the story of a hurricane, which all the authorities want to blame, I only robbed the registers, as I could see, in Patterson that's how it goes, if you don't want to draw heat, you can find a man guilty.
No announcements or interruptions, I'm no stranger to the dark, there's a place for us, when sharp words cut you, to the beat I drum, my skin doesn't matter, we are warriors, this is what we have become, we are glorious, this It's me, and pay attention that I'm coming, I have no excuses, marching towards the sun I will go, and when sharp words cut me, I will follow the fluid forward, this is me, I will drown in love. and the night the cold wind blows.
I don't wanna be buried in a pet cemetery, I don't want to live my life again.
I'm alone in my house, I'm out of the city, I became who I shouldn't have, the city got tired of us, it's time to move, I counted the years, steady hands take the steering wheel, stop and face.
I think I'm moving but I'm not going anywhere, and I stop thinking, will it be just everything I need, firm feet, don't fail me now, I'll run until I can walk, I've become what I couldn't, why here and not there, it's not necessary, it doesn't fit, it doesn't belong to you, to move, it's alive, everyone is afraid, do you see what I see.
A beetle passing by, everything else was greed, if we could come together as a team, One and one and one is three, hear you but don't see, may it be good, may it do you good, the fate of the righteous, young students of universe, may your mind be your pencil, and silence your books, be wonderful to each other, life depends on it, if you want to evolve, learn with your streaming, Premium level, sew up what was torn, at seven o'clock in the morning I receive your message, this is the current situation, it is up to us to join hands, and talk about what we heard about freedom, all its gamma rays, its best days are yet to come, enlightened people at its feet, an energy that will save everyone, a lot to do, until then, a lot to do.
High ground, mr. Wonder what you say, the world keeps turning, I was lucky to try again, the first time was a lot of sins, the world keeps turning, enjoy the music without interruptions. I've been working hard for you, we'll be so free, happy alone, that's what I want now, but I can't touch what I don't have yet, share a smile, far from home, make songs, and make the lies, the universe and its plan, each time I realize myself in a universe, all the lines and their parallels, everything in a giant circle, we will be so free, that we will laugh until we cry, happy alone. welcome to your life.
There's no way back, even when you sleep we'll be there, it's my own drawing, it's my own remorse, there's a room where the light won't find you, and I'll be happy that you're there, what a shame they couldn't, everyone They want to rule the world, it's only sad who does, indecision and lack of vision, say you never needed it, everyone wants to rule the world.
The universe speaks calmly to me now, it taught me to be patient, I was very afraid at the beginning, believing in myself seemed impossible, dominion of mind over matter, many bodies fell in this battle, but it allows me to hear you, your voice bringing me calm, relieving my fears, in trembling I protect myself, parallel lives, high and low tones, music fits everything in my material life, completes me and defines me, I can feel the universe, it is within me, I see its waves and its tide heals me, feeds me with raw fish, I travel through the stars, on polite stairs.
I no longer need thorns on my roses, if a simple sheep can eat them, I am completely imperfect on my own planet, my craters tell stories, I listen to everything that the darkness of the universe brings me, I kneel before its greatness, I am open, I am in tune, through the silence I can listen.
There's a well-to-do God in me, no pain, no loss, I promise you, 'cause I see for miles, I'm a thinker, I've been waiting and writing for a lifetime, and when there's no one else around, that's when I I'm free, the rain falling on the empty streets where they were, but I see them now, but I'll walk away, I have to leave., i ll walk away.
You can touch it, it's alive, you're your life, mr. Frankenstein, you stitch him up perfectly, he even gave you a brain, but how does it work without a soul, the strings of our puppet, how many characters will it take to make you happy.
I can touch the heavens, opening for me today, my destiny arrived in time to save me, no pain, no loss, no tears, the time is almost here, our dreams will all come true, because I can see my dreams through miles. In time, my love, you and I will know where we are. We dance all night, one movie scene, one heart, one soul, one life, our eyes will not be blinded, we can all be free. Thank you to the universe, lord of time, in time my love, all night.
Every rose has its thorns, every cowboy sings a sad song, just as every night has its end, open your heart to the universe, give yourself to this journey, with an open chest, without fear, trust and know your path, through the night you will walk, Sing your sad songs, beautify the sadness, make the beautiful one during the nights, may she comfort you, without words, just making love, it cuts me like a knife.
Words flow through my mind today, counting blue cars, the universe has shown me the path it is making for me, a door has opened to another dimension, it will save everyone around me, but I need to tell all my thoughts to God , in the clouds I walk, searching, asking questions, just like children do, what are your thoughts God, tell me if I'm too far away.
I count only blue cars, but it's getting cold, and my shoes make noise in this place, many questions, which we generally do.
Who we are, what is the meaning, I am very far away, I travel at such a great speed, let me know when we arrive.
That I can remember that day, when the universe sent me an all small things will work out, trust me, and so I do, I surrender to your strength, I prayed enough for my dreams, time to live them, new roads, old words, everything gains meaning in my life, the journey will be prosperous and peaceful, don't doubt anything from now on, everything is possible, everything is in your hands, you changed your words, this changed your thoughts and your attitudes take you home, walk without fear, you have acquired the key to all the doors.
You are the key maker of your destiny, there are many of us, but you don't need to prove anything else at the gates of heaven, you were worthy, your sign of the bull kept you on earth, your charm enchanted everything and everyone, your hunger for knowledge led you through the most beautiful streets, they were wonderful company, I just thank you, getting up and walking, every day, the stars and roads of the universe opened up to me.
May my guardian angels celebrate the victory, because the next battle will be one of peace, may it be love, and may it make you happy.
Smile until you cry, laugh, be the clown, playing hide and seek alone, a time bomb that will explode us along the way, in parallel lines, in string theories, like a child jumping ropes, taking time to get lost in time.
Keep it simple, a love song, because nothing can go wrong, he's falling for her, they have an invisible touch, when you know it, the moment comes to life, and the walls transform, it's a showroom of life, the other side , she feels this invisible touch, I didn't know what to say, so I kept quiet, but now I know. I'm tired, I need to breathe, stay silent, meditate, pray, and be grateful, I can only imagine…
The path of witchcraft, Santeria, the wizards of tomorrow, the stock exchange of the future, transforming copper into gold, a wizard, a Merlin, in the form of communication, the geniuses of imagination, those who have the gift of oratory, who practice leads you to silence, and thus build your home and follow your Sun.
What people are looking for is a way to smile, it's not difficult when you know how, just listen to the music, all the time. I don't lack inspiration, it's above sabotage, choose a plan that suits you, and dive into the universe.
Chapter six, Between six and nine…
I'm always looking for love, I'm always looking for life, don't get lost between six and nine, go back to three and start all over again, to pretend you never lost, the life he leads, while the world is sleeping, and If he reveals how sensitive he is, what would others say, for those who care, live while they are sleeping. All the energy that exists in good, meaning love, exists in evil, fear, strangers looking for the night, don't stop, hold on to this feeling, I believe, street lights, people, I hold on to this feeling.
An insane world, but there is sanity in it, the loyalty of old friends. Life is a collection of moments, the idea is to have as many good moments as possible, a mystery.
But today is a gift, that's why it's called the present. It is not easy to face the reality of life, the needs of the majority outweigh the needs of the few, we just want to feel something that we have forgotten or abandoned, beneath this chewing there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
Knowing how to wait is a virtue, accepting without questioning that everything has its right time to happen, is having faith, because they will never take away our freedom, because I have always depended on the kindness of strangers, and the rule of the fight club is, you don't talk about fight club.
It takes a lot of audacity to face our enemies, but equal audacity to defend our friends. Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to become the villain. You saved me in all the ways that someone can be saved, they say that one of the two always loves more, I wish it weren't me.
The fears that once controlled me, don't even come close to me, never let anyone tell you that you can't do something, not even me. If you have a dream, you have to protect it, people who can't do it for themselves will say that you can't do it, if you want something, go and fight for it, period.
The most important thing you will learn is to love and be loved, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will find.
I hate that I can't hate you, no matter how much I try and no matter how little you do. You are the answer to all my prayers, you are a song, a dream, a murmur, I don't know how I managed to live without you for so long.
So many bars, in so many cities, and she had to enter mine right away, her sex is on fire. I have the feeling of love, she is a woman, she will free me, i can't free anyone.
Believe what you want to believe, but don't live like a refugee, anyway, somehow, someone will kick you around, but you don't need to live like a refugee.
Sex between souls, a bed in the universe, a meeting in dreams, souls separated physically, and totally connected on a spiritual plane, the sex of the gods. It all starts with breathing, a meeting of breaths, a sensitive touch, a breath burning on the neck, eyes intertwined, colors mix, a meeting of energies, in a single vibration, at various frequencies, an anatomy of the soul implanted in your memories.
Light and easy movements, easy, easy. I talk so much about love, that talking about sex for me is sacred, preserving my energy I learned.
I'm happy in my solitude, but I can't do without a meeting of souls, ancient dormant spirits. Sex is like a gun, you aim, you shoot, you run.
I want it all, and I want it now, I don't ask for too much, I just ask for the truth, in a toast to the future, so much to do in so little time, that's why I live it all, I'm living it all, and I want it all, and I want it now.
Evolve your streaming, may it be an enlightening experience, the touch between souls is deafening, an explosion of energy, it's no wonder you'll wake up wet, heart beating fast, and a memory to keep in, preserve your body fluids for soul encounters , you will see where magic is created, I don't want to be friends, I just want your love, no revenge, no bad romance.
I just wish life was like us movies, and the hero always has his way, When they threw you to the lions, I remember it as if it were yesterday, these are real tears that I keep inside, because it can't be like on TV, and in the end you come to me, but this is real life, and these are real sorrows, but I will never dream of the end, these were real tears, these are real wounds, that I am healing, but in the meantime, I will be dancing with myself, I have nothing to prove, simply dancing with myself.
She whispered, blind and without any fear, he gave himself a guitar solo for you, love, you never abandoned me, I'm grateful, hallelujah he gave birth. In a dream I gave myself up, and I found you, because you only want me the same way.
Crazy life, life, take me, distill and relax, I'll only come back when I find myself, poems sitting in a tree, somewhere in the world, a deserted beach, me, the words and the universe, and it pushes me, there's no more signs of stopping, it calls me, and the lights tell me when it's love, my skin feels its presence, in praise I sing to you, in my place where I feel safe, so lead me through the darkness until it becomes day.
I hear your call, lights will not pass me, I can't stop, you showed me a life where we are both happy, I hold on to it every day, and nights too, when I understood the distance between us, I learned to be happy, happy alone, finding my self-love was fundamental, I lost my mind, I lost my ground, fish in the sea staring at me, I learned and ran, to a fortune that awaits me, an escape plan, my retirement.
But life is too short to care about everything, I found my fortune, I restored my life, I lost my control, I lost my mind, I gave myself to the sea and a new man came out, from the darkness I rise every day and walk my roads, leading love, restoring life, while this syrup runs down the dry throat, suffocates the throat, let me serve you right, in black and white, my love will serve you right, but redemption comes tonight.
I will be your confessor, tell me what you need, while you sink your heart in sorrows, open your eyes brother, see the sun, rise from the ground, from the tea, see the magic that is within you, let your love serve you, You can try it, I guarantee it will work properly.
Time to wait for tomorrow, to find, what you came looking for, when walking in the universe you stop asking yourself, it's all new, there's no need to show any surprise, because everything will be familiar to you, I believe in a thing called love, in my eyes carry the flames of the ashes of my soul, whatever your style, of a hello, be polite, education is a care, it is a curve that heals, in the distance of tomorrow, Far beyond yesterday, she waiting, that everything that you have said, is that you have learned to love as one.
Starlight, we will find a place where we belong, so your starlight won't shine alone, there is a place where you belong.
You will see over the mountains, I believe that everything that was said will return to where it came from, prophecies, words in the wind, the universe is a star of light, don't forget, let it shine in a place where it belongs.
Blessing in ignorance, Just like before, the answers aren't so clear, all these thoughts make sense, one step closer to Edge, shut up when I talk to you, I was breaking down, I just needed room to breathe.
But there was a time, I looked my father in the eyes, in a happy home, those days are gone, but everything changes, everything evolves, so child, don't worry, heaven has a plan for you, the universe belongs to you, he is walking with you, hand in hand towards the sunset. I still hear the songs reminds me of a friend, but everything changes, so children don't worry, don't worry now.
My imagination frees me, transformed me and transcends the world, I made my home in the sky, I feel safe there, my darkness keeps me company every night, when I pray I ask for peace, I ask for love, I thank you and I ask for forgiveness, the way I enter at night, I understand the day, living in a circle.
I see the portals, and inside there are pirates, I sail through calm seas, but at night rough, I carry the flag of peace, hoping for my resilience, only for the one who It matters, In the rain I drive, it's been so long, I can't remember the last time, I can't see the road in the rainy rearview, but I'm not stopping now.
She always takes me home, only she knows where it is, so I'm on my way. Her love guides me, calls me, she gives darkness to light, but she always rises, she is my road, only I know the way, and today I can see the road through the wet glass.
Foot over head, unconditional things, I hope 11:11, it's part of my planning, friends with benefits, I've never felt so healthy, I'm seeing it now, it's not been long since I fell with my feet on my head, it ran over me but inspired me, and I found love in everything, in everything you are.
The universe takes me, it's all his fault, I'm a Rolling Stone in its waters, he promised me he wouldn't hurt me, because there are no directions we can't change, let it lose, find itself, breathe and exhale, all the blues for Outside, open your eyes brother, see, your life is beautiful, enjoying it every day is your lesson, follow your line, don't go after anything, attract everything you want, and if it's not love, stop the lie and shut up, everything will go downhill, you know that, follow your line, the one on the side doesn't interest you, let it get lost, everything will go downhill, string theory, an instrument, a compass, a tool at your disposal, listen yourself, say goodbye to ads, all music goes with you wherever you go.
Where will you go until tomorrow, will you still care, I feel this, when will we go until tomorrow, where will you go with the mask that I found, Jesus knows me and he knows I'm right, you will see my face on television every Sunday, don't buy a piece of paradise, buy it for me, because he knows me, and he tells me that everything is going to be alright.
My life is beautiful, and full of magic, all with a very high quality sound, I'm sorry for the attitude I have when talking about you, I'm me, hey it's me, it's been a long day, all the way, I'm a artist, it's in my being, after midnight I let everything flow, I find my satisfaction, after midnight I let everything be peaches and cream, you will understand how to dance, freedom to your imagination, after midnight., you will swing your tambourines.
Life is on the fast lane, you will get lost, don't be scared brother, trust in your God, give the future to him, live now, bury the past and walk, with your eyes open, forget the phone for a second, all the information is there In you, knowing is not knowing, I can only imagine, an imagination that imagines, imagines. image and sound, what can I say, you have it all.
They are not spirits, they are astronauts, in high vibrations, contact would be painful, so they preserve us, it is just love, a universe of millions of songs without ads or interruptions, All this with very high quality sound. Oh if you could speak my language.
I come from a lineage of warriors and wizards, time magicians, Dr. Strange carrying the time stone, healing your hands so that it becomes magical, Visualizing the world is necessary, without time and space, just the world in which you live, the magic happens between your eyes, and certain days, they made it better, it is the fastest, much faster than us, and where it goes no one can know, while the world is sleeping. Nothing can stop my heart, it's been in the dark, I hope it never stops.
Every night, hold on tight, any way you want, this is the way you need it, my words, like an outburst they surprise me, thank you sir, I just want you to remember, a love like that can send us all the directions, the power of a child, the displaced chemicals, just remember, the walls that lie in this place, fall to the floor.
Number three, harmony and balance, number six, health and happiness, number nine spirituality and achievements, and I think I have been liberated, think and speak, buy and drink, use and be bold, no sir, yes sir. I even thought there was a heart beating here, but I'm going to reinstall the system, read, vote, don't forget. The words walk through me, I won't fall down, this isn't my home, if you feel anything. Keep me running, I'll run, I won't fall, I won't go down, this isn't my home.
Keep me wild, keep me alive, I would change little things, I had to change everything, this isn't my home, if this feels at all.
And how do you feel, amen direction home, a complete nobody, like a rolling stone, I never understood that it's not good at all, for others to take a beating because of you, after they took from you, everything they could steal, as if feels, holding on alone, without direction, like a rolling stone.
You were once such a muse, you are invisible now, you have no more secrets, and how you feel is your own.
Money, hold it with both hands and make a pile, it's a hit, I need to pay the bills, know now, this is a work of fiction, it was created by my imagination, my mind, but... it was created with a lot of love, It's a love letter to the planets, to astronauts, the universe was written with a lot of love, I'm very proud of it, that it can lead you to reflect, judge less, and love more, we are ants in evolution, we are nothing more than insects, but everything was handmade, everything was sculpted, at the beginning I see Elvis, at the end I see Raul, and in the middle I see Belchior Cazuza, Gilberto Gil in life, I go slowly, so as not to lack love. Whatever your style, say goodbye to ads, go offline, you're just a click away.
And if I could describe to you everything I feel, you would be my poison, one look could kill me, I want to kiss you, but I want too much. I want to hold you but something tells me to stop, poison, inside my veins, I won't break the chains. All I can tell you is that my life is very plain, put tea for two, and explain my point of view, I'll be there when you wake up, and I sleep all day, complaining that it doesn't rain, that's an escape, guitar, if you don't like my point of view, you're not a saint.
You grow in me, or I grow in you, what we are now, with our eyes closed, we will fly through the stars, and when the children are old enough, we will teach them to fly, we can always go back to the beginning, we can do anything. Me and you together, two of us together, we can do anything baby.
We will go to the end of the world, I will sail the best beaches, I will take myself from coconut waters, on a crazy train I will deliver myself, millions of people, living like foes, wanting to learn how to love and forget how to hate, I go off the rails on this crazy train , there are priests and the drops out that make their own rules, you have to listen to my words, oh yes.
I can now walk between six and nine, hit me with the best shot, the light in the window is a crack in the sky, go back in the darkness and see what your mother said, don't talk to strangers, no more tears, I see the man, around the clock, and I see someone screaming, no more tears.
Universe I need you, you're my cure, no need to worry, I'll be home soon, to satisfy you, it feels so good inside, baby I love you, what more can I say, hey babe I need you , I miss you more every day.
I wake up early in the morning, and a feeling washes over me, you know I need you, and I guess I just want to tell you, that what you need is me. Babe, I love you, and I miss you more every day, what more can i say.
Closing a chapter, closing six and opening nine, it's good enough for me, poetry commands me, we are together side by side, nothing here is what it seems, there's a fear that I haven't left, in silence, we could come together reinvent, fill your head with common sense, climbing the walls with you, half awake and almost dead, in silence. We still have to bleed, all this energy, leaving empty beds out there.
When the vision comes in LED, the little things that take me back home, today I feel complete, I salute you, the vibe of the moment, in whatever order you want, it was a very big struggle, until today's peace, I no longer I remembered what I was fighting for, they spit you out, and leave you on a road, chewed up, left for dead, this game, throw your money away, two for one, one for nothing, you can't take it, walk away from the game, come back where did you come from.
Chapter Seven, seven deadly sins…
Greed, I never thought I was greedy, I drank champagne with kings and queens, but now I remember why all this was done, from now on, what starts tomorrow, will start today, from now on, and we will go home, home again. Greed still drives us, we need homes, the power to control, don't ask for too much, and so, we can return home, home again.
Gluttony, I'm a Taurus, I like to eat well, what can I do, when the world becomes a fantasy, and you can't go back to the world you lived in, no one lives in the shadows, it's in you, you get out alive , for you dream with your eyes wide open, I will eat and drink, I will find my way to freedom.
Envy, nothing that was real was left behind, I don't believe in envy, I don't see myself in anyone else but myself, I've been with narcissists long enough to learn, I wish my best to others, and I hope they understand my silence , in my peace I walk, a curve is ahead, I can only see so Far.
My anger, I bury it with my past, there is no anger left inside me, I see myself happy, I am happy, death doesn't catch my attention, I want calm days, light winds, and sunny weather, there is no anger in me brother, Just love, It's what I offer.
Lust, it never suited me, it didn't attract my eyes, and when the eye betrayed me, it didn't attract me, I got lost in my characters, I play everyone I can, I don't see sins, I don't see any evil, except myself, We will walk with daily lust, without fear, accompanies flight plan.
Laziness, what would I do without it, it is in my being, my planet, I am lazy, I love my moment of doing nothing, I am happy in my nothingness, I find myself in it and it satisfies my desires, I dream of laziness, only it You know what good it does me.
Pride, arrogance, pretension, blinded by the Sun, pride has to be the first to die in a good man, humility and perseverance will be necessary on the journey, everything returns to its position, be positive, creativity and inspiration, everything is good from within, Be humble on the outside and giant on the inside, self-love is not arrogance.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none, be able for thine enemy
Rather in power than use, and keep thy friend, under thy own life's key, be checked for silence, but never taxed for speech. William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well.
I had to confess to enter heaven, I believed in sins, justice and punishment. Today I see it all as a big deception, the fear that was implanted in me, people telling me what was right and wrong.
I will always rebel against authorities, after all, we all have our weapons buried in a dark basement, full of gold coins, but if you don't go there, then down low, because everything in life is a composition, my words will be best sellers, they will be songs made with lots of love and gratitude.
One day we will die, but remember to look at all the others where we will be alive. Being happy for no reason is the most authentic form of happiness.
Life is like a book, only after reading it do we know what it contains. Everyone is capable of mastering pain, except those who feel it. I wasn't looking for anything but a good time, I needed time, they don't ask you for anything to enter the universe, no fees are charged, there is no sin that will not be forgiven, everyone is welcome, you won't find books to teach you what to do, through your forgiveness you will see the doors if they open, the moments of truth in your life, when you bleed just to know that you are alive, it all started with a photo, a capture of a moment, that made me whole again.
I started walking again, we never know what will end us once and for all, but believing that something will do you good, that will lift you up, it is essential, there are no sins in the path of the universe, what exists is high and low vibration, there is no right or wrong either, it is a question of the evolution of being, it can come Without fear, there will be no pain, no loss, no tears, in time, dear, in time everything will be alright.
Any love that destroys freedom, will turn to hate, sooner or later, Osho Gita, when you are chasing what was lost, change makes other plans, bringing shine to the moonlight, burying moments of the past, one day you wake up, and seven years have passed, sometimes a shadow shines a lot of light, artists and madmen dive into the same waters, but only one comes back from there.
When you find people who believe in the universe, it's wonderful, a light person, they don't charge themselves so much, so they won't charge you either, I see love today differently than yesterday, love for another person comes full of rules, detours and prisons.
Today I see free love, there is nothing that belongs to me in the material world, much less a person, the rate of people dying in a relationship between two is absurd, you want to control the other, and call this control love. These rules and customs that we have followed for generations, We cannot claim a being, and say that it belongs to us, when you hear the heart beating in your chest, and know the rhythm of your body, there are no possessions, our spirit leaves alone, We don't take land much less people, love comes to liberate, never arrest.
You can't stop the fire with a spark, everything in the universe comes to teach you, I'm cold, I'm the little dog, if it makes me feel everything, keep me running from sins, make it worth my time.
I'm not going down, I'm not going down, this isn't my home, if it feels all, Keep me wild, I don't feel pain 'cause I know it too well, I was going to change a little, but I had to change everything, walk through The universe will give you a vision, it will bring you death, but it will teach you how to create life. From within a child's imagination, the best stories can come out, a fantasy world, created to special order and waiting for you, a park for your mind and body, a bridge that connects you to your soul, and all of this works for you.
Because of the heart, everything is perfect, so stop for a minute, be grateful, have hope, hold on tight, the pain ends, hope is a waking dream, hope will give you courage, never lose hope.
Believe in tomorrow, even better, I believe in today, when I walk with my eyes open I understand my being, I make peace with myself, after all it's me, and no one is going to make me leave, those are my words, it's my dream, I had to wake up to dream again, so start the day with a soft voice, the universe will give you more than you expect, trust it, there is no dream too big, only minds too small.
You satisfy your greed, you leave everyone around you in misery, forever happy, envy leads you to hate, which led you to anger, don't be angry with me
I gave up everything to touch you, all I can bring is your life, and I don't want the world to see me, because I don't think they would understand, I can't fight the tears that come, I surrender and accept, I'm grateful, thank you , I will continue my life writing, photographing and loving, may the unconditional come to me, may I constantly draw it into my soul, I think they understand, when everything can break, I just want you to know who I am.
The number seven, a fiction that my self wants, I have the number seven tattooed, but I have a G clef, a rose and a compass, I hope that will take Me home one day, I gave in to my dreams, I woke up in a giant universe of possibilities, my imagination is my business card, I am polite, I know how to get in and out, seven protects me, heals me and let me go, seven plus seven, fourteen, what does that mean, only seven plus is twenty one , boom, with a blink of an eye, without remorse and without regret.
May I have the strength to let you go, I keep you in sight, and I'll be closer than I thought I would, I'll throw my chains off, forever, I have no more reason to fight this feeling anymore. I had to crawl across the floor, I fell through the door, they say misery loves company, we can make misery, I know what you pay to feel.
A factory that makes misery, we create the cure, we create the disease, my friend, we live on the tip of a spear, and a rope around our neck, getting out of your mind from time to time is necessary, incorporate yourself, get up, get out from misery, forever happy alone, good luck sir, may the universe treat you well, may you feel loved and welcome, stay cozy, enjoy your trip.
Tonight I don't want to sleep, I just want to continue loving you, without pain, without loss, our dreams will all come true, in time everything will be alright, in time we will dance in the streets all night long.
One heart, one soul, you'll see, that we can all break free. get up Maria, show me that Spanish dance, wake up Mister Jones, hand me that bottle, I can never be alone, these are my favorite colors, my new Picasso, he looks at me, right in the spot of light, I will never be alone , I will never be alone. We don't want to be big stars, we want something to believe in. And we will be happy, because we will be so free, sharing a smile, so far from home, making songs, making life, just astronauts, happy Alone.
You can change the world, you take good care of business every day, everything is fine, it works every time, one world you have already changed, yours.
I'm just a Latin American boy
No money in the bank
No important relatives
And coming from the inside
But I bring, from the top of my head, a song from the radio
In what an old composer from Bahia told me
Everything is divine, everything is wonderful... Belchior words.
We've reached the halfway point, I deserve a cold beer, this contact with the universe, without regret, read the warnings, read the signs, if you can't handle it, step away from the game, take your money and run. Walk like a free man, and no one cares. Just roll with the chances, go with the changes.
The road to nowhere leads to me, we meditate and we pray, you want the best, the best band in the world, kiss. Babe if you feel good, if you feel hot, you know your man works for two, stop crying all those tears, feel nice, sweet work rolling, a distorted guitar, an easy chorus, for me and you sing along, as we go so far, a rock and roll band will take control, all the songs go with you wherever you go, before you say goodbye, I'll say hello, How do you do. I see you in that chair, with perfect skin, when we are young we can feel the things you do, to say goodbye.
All that I can see, if I could change the world, like in a fairy tale, because love is love reflecting, come full circle, if there's a spell on you that I can take away, time, don't go away, I raise my glass, in your honor, to all my crazy dreams, it was just killing time.
System crash, someone distorted me, think, speak, buy and drink, read now and don't forget, use and be bold, may the good lord shine a light on you, like the end of the afternoon.
Come on get up now, let's go up, like the afternoon sun, come, just come, the doors open, the gift of perception, with your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel, a good time, and back to the, I go slow, I let go, babe roll, all night long. I got the feeling, she's gonna set you free.
Chapter eight, rewrite the stars…
I'm the man on the mountain, with the mud on my feet, I'm the one who brings you roses, when you don't have any, I'll be so humble with you tonight, what a nice breeze, 'cause I know my car won't start, but give me a glass, from your jar of love. I believe in your music, you help me along, I want to get lost in your rock and roll and drift away. free my soul.
I can feel, like a little bird that chases the thunder in the wind, all in the dark of shadows, all in the stars, how you found me, what you came to look for. If everything were to stay like this forever, tonight I throw myself on you, down with me. And I wonder, will things stay this good forever.
Everyone's looking for a connection, a continuation, I look at my life and see the things I've done to myself. I still search for the answer, but the road to nowhere led to me, and I'll do it all again, living for today and not tomorrow. I hope the street to nowhere doesn't overtake me, I hope I never have to say goodbye.
Today I won't cry, print smiles in the newspaper, the hearts of the saints, fresh meat for the customer, meanwhile the city burns with fire. This time remember to make mommy happy, baby you don't want to make me happy. choose a plan and walk brother.
Crawling on my skin, are words that don't heal and confuse reality, control, I can't see, like wounds that don't heal, my own reflection, insecure and afraid, words that bring me down, fear is how we fall. But with open arms I will be waiting for you, because you and I together can do anything, we have the blue sky, you know better than me that we can do anything.
Photography, everything I have of you is a photograph, a memory, a smell of my memories, my days in the sun by your side, humming songs, serving our country, serving our king, before the white man comes and takes it all again . Know your customers, you don't need protection, we understand, the truth in your heart brother, no one can steal.
Dad's breeze, a dream, free will, is it a mistake, would it be great to be able to live in a world where everything is possible, a world of fantasy, a world of our own. I believe we can live in the world we design, all with very high quality sound.
If I go crazy, you'll still call me Superman, you'll be there to hold my hand, you know how I live my life, from coast to coast, in a dark room, lie to wound, in the name of the damned.
How can I continue in this hole, knowing all the truth that I know now, all this time, the smile of the doma, the salvation that comes to us. A dark room, that's where it all started, listening to the Doors, Mr. Jim talking about the other side, I was young, but my witchy side always accompanies me, wherever I go, it shows me the power of love, more than a feeling.
Don't accept money, don't get fame, just feel the power of love, you don't need a credit card to ride this train, Mama kin is waiting for you, because you were dreaming, and lost touch with everything that was real, lived like a gypsy , lived as you wanted, but the way I see it, just don't forget to turn off the light when you leave. I am a passenger, I go around and around, I see the skies, and they are so beautiful today, and everything was made just for me and you, we are passengers, astronauts, passing through this world, everything was made for us, why don't you take advantage , happiness is an imaginary state, see the stars come out tonight, say hello to the Moon, and see everything that is yours, and sing lá lá lá.
Let's rewrite the stars, a new world, one that makes you feel your soul, the other side, let it roll babe, let it roll, all night long. I'm high on the mountain, come on UP, just one sip, and you'll fall down drunk, in full sweet sunshine from the cup of love, I'm so humble with you, see the reflection of your face in a flame, what a beautiful buzz.
Give him a sip from your cup of love, just one sip, and he will fall down drunk. dance with yourself, when you have nothing left to prove, don't ask me why, but dance with yourself, if I had the chance, when you have nothing left to lose, invite the world to dance with itself, I'm waiting for the my vibrations of love, the truth is that they have always been here, so dance with me, dance with myself.
With your eyes wide open, I will show you everything, I will show you love, if it were just a request, come alive when I see your ghost, where they keep you low, if you come closer, and you have nothing left to hide, you'll love the taste, a lifetime of searching for something at the end of the road, always wanting more, more than I can give, it would keep bringing me down.
I needed to change my look, my hair and my face, a new world opened up, and you started the fire with just a spark, I just know that you are, you are starting something somewhere, and here I am dancing in the dark, stay hungry, a reaction of love, your world falling apart, and you dancing in the dark.
Life is a star, one day here, the next it goes, it is a road, of all cities, there is no road that is not worth your time, the lights, this distance between things, a previous disagreement, but now we look into each other's eyes.
Life is a road, I like to drive all night, a road and a collection of songs, something that always brings me peace, a safe place, where my heart guides me, and the sun and the moon are my directions, a compass, a notebook, the universe is a game, for those who seek adventure, it is full of mystery, love and gratitude, these are the weapons that I carry with me, only through forgiveness did I heal my wounds, I hope I can heal other soldiers , I came in peace, I bring a message of love, just a hello from my planet, in words of welcome and forgiveness. Be good to each other.
I see a woman sitting on the floor, with a baby in her hands, they are feeding from a trash can. I cried a lot because I saw this same scene so many times, over and over again.
My heart was loose, I rolled them sevens with nothing to lose, call all my old shots, and now I don't feel at home anymore, this is no place to lose your mind, take your crazy heart and give it one more try, your body hurts , playing guitar sweating all hate, whiskey was a thorn in his side, this is no place for the weary type, no place to be left behind.
There's no going back, young hearts die young, my white hair, I have it with pride, time to learn, young heart beats fast, and there's no going back now, my heroes who died at twenty-seven, soon tomorrow comes .
Light the fire, I also saw, for those who cling to the edge trapped in denial, enough of this skin, it's time to change, devour the tail and start over, soon tomorrow comes.
Parts and lubricants, have your workshop, keep your imagination in check, use all the tools that the material world gives you, the next step, is a curve, I can only see so far, so imagine, be optimistic, see the world through a pair of sunglasses, who doesn't have eye drops, delusions, five dimensions, five directions, the universe will guide you in whichever one you choose, cradle of love, rock the cradle of love. Mr. Idol, I'm no one's fool, it's easy, you can please me.
You don't have to live like a refugee, the prisons that surround you, are growing, through all the pieces, you're still falling, and every time you fall below, you break into pieces, a journal of memories, all your pieces , they are still falling, I knocked down the walls that held me, I fell out of love, where else would I find you, only by falling could I see you, and now I picked up my pieces from the ground, and every time I fall, I fall into pieces.
Say goodbye to the ads, tell me something girl, you're happy in this world, I just hope for change, and on the bad days I'm afraid of myself, do you need more, in all the good times we've had, you only feel yourself in bad times, we are far from shallow now, all I want, are your kisses and hugs too, blue shoes, Silk food, something normal, a universe of a million songs, life is too short to care about everything, follow the beat of the drums, let yourself get lost, let your heart guide, waste time, love yourself, get up now, forget the zombies in the park, distill and relax, breathe and exhale, restoring your life , loss of control, a leap is necessary, a leap into a new life, find a way for you to feel the way, drink this coffee syrup, and follow your journey.
People will tell you that you are in the loop, because you stay stoned in the morning and drunk in the afternoon, preachers who talk on TV about Jesus walking on water, if you don't like the way I live, just cut your long hair and leave me alone.
And every step I take is wrong for you, I got so tired, but I know you're just like me, I can feel you there, I've become this, I'm more me and less like you, everything I wanted to be , I'm ready to enjoy a lot of music, I'm my hero, certain days make me better, I always have a lot to do.
The age of man, I come from a lineage of Jedi's, a new day a new star, a new hope, at the round table I sat a while ago, I remember it as if it were today, the lands of death and snow, where nothing growing up, my friends in uniform, my brothers in arms, tell everyone that we are here, and that the end is near, time for us to return home, touching all souls, they had their turn, now it's our turn, it's ours voice, and let's be clear, you know when I'm here, I found you in myself, while I'm here.
I had to go high, there was no other way, home sweet home, I went to emotional rescue, it could be mine, tonight and every night.
My destiny, I surrender every day to the universe, I see your plan and how great it is, I see my dreams, my desires, I need to tell you what I feel inside, there is no denial when I look you in the eyes, there are no doubts in my Mind, now it's forever, I hear the echo of the promises I made, and I don't want to go alone, but everything about you, tells me it's forever, I'll love you forever.
A chapter, a line, words, a piece of paper, and a virtual keyboard, you workshop owner, writing my truths, in prophecies of tomorrow, but always looking at the now, will be better for sale, just my words, from my being to the document, words to Léo, something tangible, here I am, and you are a rocket queen, I opened my heart to the universe, it will pay my bills, take me to a world of adventures, give me the means to my ends, I may be a little young, but the universe is obscene.
Chapter nine, Wolfmother…
I told you the joker was a wanted man, you can see him flying, mother wolf, only humans let anyone free, you will never see a group of animals being led by a weak one, only the strongest and most agile, can command, I sleep with wolves, I walk in a pack, but I have no leaders, I am my own master, the sun guides me through my doubts and questions, there is no fear or past, but I trust in the now, I have patience, I know how to smile for no reason.
I like to dream between a sound machine, why don't you come with me on my flying carpet, close your eyes and let the sound take you, I look around, and I don't know what to think, fantasy will set you free.
Number nine, Wolfmother, find your spirit, embrace your soul, see the true love that exists within you, celebrate life, go on a red carpet, dancing the night away. I had good times from coast to coast, leaving a sad past behind, and the truth is not just one, there are several.
"The universe is not just stranger than we suppose, it is stranger than we can imagine." - J.B.S. Haldane
I hear angels bringing the news today, I close my eyes and started to pray, tears of joy came to me, and with my eyes wide open I can see, all the light that exists within me, and to be the man I have to be, we create life, I know this place, I will show you everything, I will show you love.
With eyes wide open, if I had just one request, that he not be like me, with arms wide open, I will show you everything, where everything has changed, with eyes wide open.
And now that everything goes away, I feel the sun burning me, it calls out your name, and it feels, like the sky goes away, follow me to the sea, dip your feet in salty water, throw a handful around your neck, cleanse yourself of negative energies, you walked with the dead.
Go for a swim in the sea and come back alive, you are on fire and burning to the core, set fire to me, until my feet no longer touch the floor, Take me high until my back can longer feel any more, don't burn me down.
I deserve to celebrate; I embark on a tour to hell, in the news media, am I medieval, look at me give me your hand, then a kiss, live in me that no one will throw empty hands or stones at you, but from drunk to drunk it is denying me, I think I'm such a current guy, celebrating life, guitar in hand, to go beyond, loud my friend, with a little help from my friends.
I can do no harm except myself, no harm except myself, I go deep into my feelings, I put out what I need, I try to show you, I knock on wood three times, on some corner, some alley, on the other side of the street.
I had perverse ideas, you getting closer and closer, my love, my accomplice, you haven't changed at all, neither have I. let's go against the grain, from Gilberto Gil to Caetano, I bring good news, balloons that fall from the sky, talent for madness and long speeches, death is alive brother, time to be reborn, plant to harvest, be your shaman, if you are not yours doctor, you have a terrible doctor, I saw the face of death, and she was alive, wake up brother, get up and walk, I saw your name on a poster, so I can then advise what is right or wrong, the rest leave it alone .
You listen to me but pretend, with your mouth shut now you get along fine, a lot of ass kissers, to pamper you, the rest leave it alone. Neon lyrics and everything, last year they would say I was crazy, I warn you, go to the fight, make your point precisely, the fans of today are the sanders of tomorrow, but never mind, go to the fight. The universe, love is an imaginary state, the bourgeoisie wants to get rich, and as long as there is a bourgeoisie there will be no poetry.
I who came from the middle of the bourgeoisie, I also smell bad, and they sleep peacefully, the bourgeoisie doesn't notice the pain, the bourgeoisie only looks at itself, the bourgeoisie stinks, and as long as there is a bourgeoisie there will be no poetry.
Let's take the stolen money, let's go to the street, to the street, I'm bourgeois but I'm an artist, I'm on the side of the people, I live off my work honestly, I'm interested in my people.
I'm an outcast, half anarchist, half sorcerer, we're going to run away, they'll never say it again, I'm an outcast for many, and a sorcerer for few, I made my days start happily, insomnia made everything infinite, every day there was section time owl, oh my love, we are on the verge of a happy day, every day is day, and all in the name of love, in the comings and goings of your hips, all the muscles you feel, give me your encore as a gift. This is the life I wanted, swimming against the current, just to exercise, oh my love, and that's how I make the day rise happily.
Have faith in God, have faith in life, nothing is over, try, raise your thirsty hand and start walking, dancing in the air. If you like, just be honest, you will be able to shake the world, victory is lost, try again .
My baby, everything can change right now, you just have to believe, roll the dice, baby, I have no money, I'm six, sevens and nines, you have to roll me, in chapter ten we will march captain, my captain, poems are my maps and coordinates, in a submarine, where I only see the tip of the iceberg, ten percent, that's what my eyesight allows, that is, ninety percent imagination, there is a light in the dark, you don't need to close your eyes to see it, you can feel it , if delivered, thanks will be necessary, it will be yours open sesame, the forty thieves, all the pirate gold you will find, open doors.
Writing my entry into paradise, I deserve my rest, my mind flooded with feelings, the rock and roll that exists within me awake, complete and alive, singing a love song so divine, I know It is only rock and roll, but I like it, I like it. Can't you see that this soul was alone, healing its pain, solitude, I'm lonely, but I'm happy. I know I dream of you, a sin and a lie, wild horses, can take me away.
I know I dream of you, a sin and a lie, wild horses, can take me away, that I can always choose, and writing my way I find absolution, I waited for you all alone, my love, I miss you, mine lines, no easy exits, a lot of words, we've waited so long, come on.
I will take my time, the universe has taught me patience, I travel in its spiral circles, recognizing myself in parallel timelines, a Ronnie Wood, you always ask for more than I can give, I spend my life in honky tonks looking for you. my desires, my dreams, a deck of cards, on a dock I placed myself, this is not me, I am not the fortunate one, it is not me, son of a millionaire, I am not the one who is fortunate. I was born to be wild, sultan of swing, in the darkness in the meantime, a man blowing words, one step forward and everything can go down, competition knows its place, turning down the sound, check your guitar, if it's off you can give us follow, it will be a day job, sixth night will make you free, any crowd will be welcome, I don't care about those who play in bands, I call them rock and roll.
I am the fly that landed in your soup, I am the fly that arrived to abuse you, in the dark I see how blind we are, since you are gone, Let me protect you, I will make you happy again, because you try to understand what love is, my dear. What does love have to do with it, what is love if not a second hand of emotion, who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken.
Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken, what does love have to do with it, and I take you in a new direction, what is love, if not a second hand of emotion. we may Lose, we may Win, take it easy, don't say maybe, your sweet love will save me. You are disappointed, I know what it's like to be just a shell of yourself.
But don't forget what lies ahead, soon your pains will be gone, sister run free, light and loose, this road will be tough, but we won in the end, so enjoy the view, keep pushing, we're almost home.
The crosses brought hell home, however fast we can, brother it won't be long, in all your strength, run free and wild, almost home, we're almost home.
The way I obey you at night, never take me, never leaders, never leave this place, let me breathe, you can see the dolphins crying, no matter who you are, all these words, they are finished. Come to me, never leave us, stay with me no matter who you are. I Will get by, I'll survive. The universe was made of Magic, we Will get by .
Chapter ten, Blues on Black and greens and blues …
Jack on fire, BLUE on Black, blind now i see, truth, lies and between, tears on a River, Dead man's touch, Joker on Jack , doesn't bring you back. And if everything is a mirage, a lie that your vanity wants, when you wake up, what will happen, you don't want to know what mom said, time stops, stay in the moment, without limits, just this chapter, stay with me.
Funk the funky out, time keep circling in the future, I want you to fly like an eagle through the universe, love is the solution, let my spirit leave me, fly for the revolution, something new, Mr Anderson, don't shut up, you and I Smith, light and dark, positive and negative, in a circle of fire, in an infinite loop, an eight flying like an eagle, fly over the revolution.
I see you around me, let it go or lose it, if it were all so easy, to love and be loved, let it or lose it, but let it go, please, see everything around you, good love will come back, so look at what you have, or you will lose control, so hold on or let go, if not, you will lose control, but don't let go, you will lose control.
My life, thank you, I feel safe here with you, I don't ask for much, to live my own action story, rocking in a free world, between me and you, I can only honestly say that things can only get better, we are loud, and that's what they call the blues, laughing like children, rolling like thunder, through every second, without excitement, a simple I love you, my Michele, living like lovers, and that's what we call the blues.
Adri and Ana, Liu and Ana, Luciana, keep on going, oh yeah, you have to keep on going, my love, wishes of peace and success to you, souls who touched me, like a worm, I played my guitar solos, keep on going, love, how to explain it, is so normal for me, I go wherever it takes me.
Daddy will tell you, don't worry child, heaven has a plan for you, don't worry now, we rule the world, after the blue lake, where everything changed, see child, God has a plan for you, heaven has a plan for you. don't worry. The universe opened the doors of perception to me, since I was little, I've been observing, taking notes, taking it easy, going kayak, I need to delve deeper, talk about myself, a screen between the two of us, one crime at a time, a brand that I founded, the Now, where to start.
When the sharpest words come to cut you, I'll be there brother, I'll be waiting for you, I'm home alone, I'm out on the town, I've been at the bottom of the bottles I've been knocking over down, lying around, on a lonely day, I'm working tonight, Sharp words, I've been practicing a lot, that's what I found, a typewriter, lying there on the floor.
In the universe there is no right or wrong, each being will have its own form of contact, there is no correct position to start with, just close your eyes and empty your head, breathe in and out, feeling the air pass through your body, lighting up all the chakras , feel the energy rising up your back, to the back of your head, always controlling your breathing.
With your eyes closed, visualize a point of light in your mind, and push it upwards, as if it were a rocket leaving the earth's orbit, see it rising in your mind, and when it reaches the top, enter a spiral tunnel in your forehead, push the light through this wormhole, with an empty and open mind move forward, you will feel an energy accumulating in your forehead.
Let this energy take over you, it will be an explosion on your forehead, you will feel your third eye opening, and with your eyes closed you will be able to see, imagine yourself in the universe, without gravity, without direction or direction, you will feel some vertigo, it is yours soul detaching from your body, dizziness will be normal, don't be alarmed by them, just jump, if you have the opportunity jump, say goodbye to your body, enter the universe, see its formation and what it brings you. everything is at your disposal, you can take it all on your own, whatever your style or religion, contact with the divine is personal, there are no rules, no ways of saying what is right or wrong, everyone will have their own way of concentrating energy, and how to see your soul in space.
It all depends on what you are looking for, the path is individual, each one will have their own vision, and whatever way you arrive at the universe, it will be right.
The important thing in the universe is the journey, not the destination, but knowing what you are looking for can help, because in fact most of the time we have no idea what we are looking for, it is a journey to the other side, you must have heard this before, really It's a leap to the other side, it can be enlightening as it can be just another question on the pile, but if you know what to look for, the universe will help you find it. I was scared at first, I didn't know what to expect.
When this energy comes into contact it's scary, the universe talks to you constantly, it knows you like the back of its hand, there are no places to hide or run away, from then.
You can go back, what you saw cannot be unseen, things around you came to life, everything tells a story, everything has an energetic karma, everything is linked directly and indirectly, the answers are not clear, they are just new questions, clearing your mind won't last long, because the path is revealing, when you start talking to the universe, you see that many things from your past don't make sense, you learn to value your time, people who just want to talk are a wishing well, they throw words as if they were requests from a genie in a bottle, if you know the power that a word has, the universe will show you how great you are, in such a small bottle, I'm sorry you feel this way, but we all have a touch of gray.
The darkness of the universe is fascinating, when you feel free to explore, discover planets and stars, the milky way is so beautiful, the solar system is a quantum supercomputer, it feeds us with its sun rays, but there is so much information in the sun When I close my eyes to listen to you, it's always something extraordinary, maybe you won't forget me, I need you here with me.
Meditation was and is very important for me, a minute of silence is already a lot in the world we live in, we are always full of things to do, mouths talking, we need some time alone, just listen, to the voice of God that is within us. For us, clearing our mind is much more difficult than it seems.
Thinking about nothing is already thinking about something. Always pray and be grateful, the path to forgiveness is through gratitude, self-love comes after forgiveness, when we learn to be grateful.
When I was about eight years old, I took some guitar lessons, and the first thing the teacher wanted to teach me was the correct way to hold the guitar, the classic shape of the instrument, that for me was where he lost me.
Someone telling me how to hold the neck of the guitar, something that would be so personal for me, everyone will have their own way, their way, I have always rebelled against authorities, I can't listen to anyone tell me what is right and what is wrong, I find this so personal, I grew up with people telling you what you should do, I never accepted it, I was always against any form of authority.
I always found myself in my silence, the path of the thinker, it was as if my instruction manual was built in , somehow I felt, what I didn't know, music helped me a lot, there in those poems I found myself, the search for knowledge, mine wasn't in books but in a headphone, through music I understood my being , something that always called me, something unknown, something new, my soul was in contact with me from an early age, as a teenager.
I had experiences of leaving my body, of seeing myself lying in a bed, unable to move, not knowing what to do , I woke up screaming, the return of the soul to the body was a blow, it was as if I were light years away and simply returned to my body once and for all.
Only with an external vision could I learn to look inside, in silence I grew, without being able to share it with anyone, each one would have their journey to the universe, and mine had just begun, finding my happiness was a matter of life or death. , with my eyes closed I found my light, in the middle of total darkness, it was a walk through the shadows, the negative and the positive always together, the sun teaching, the moon to observe and when the dogs start to smell it, it's the time to wake up and think about tomorrow, to find it.
Being an only child was a gift, as well as a painful path, not having anyone to compare myself to, but I had a happy childhood, I liked being alone, I always had a sharp imagination, I was happy in my solitude, everyone wants everything, but they can't have it.
Sometimes it's in front of you but you can't grab it. It took me time to understand that the path was lonely, I valued my friendships a lot, I didn't know how to be alone at the beginning, as I didn't have a brother or sister, I learned to play alone, I was one for making castles and fortresses, I designed my world in my toys , I spent hours talking to them, I was very happy, he was my teacher, he was the good side of solitude, love, playing alone is loving yourself, getting to know yourself, exercising your mind, creating characters, stories, giving life to something that is dead , Name the bad guys and good guys, hide and tag with yourself, in your shoes walk and sleep, Black hole Sun, why don't you come, and wash all this rain away.
If you find it, what does that mean, haven't we already found ourselves, and living in the now, so that this eternity searching, and if it were just the now, without questions, just forgiveness, without words, just silence, lessons of a sunset, feet in nature, planted on the ground, mind clean and beautiful, thank you, I do see you every night, I do.
What can I say about myself, I am a sensitive, sensational guy, I am on my way, I learn daily from everyone who passes me, I have respect for the elderly and children, I am polite and formal, but I am also sincere and honest, no I don't think all truths should be told, I think silence is the best love we can give someone, the simple act of listening will open more doors for you than it closes, always have common sense with you, be it conscience, your mind is open, acceptance and affection towards the living being, be the type that takes the spider out of the house, and puts it in the forest, breathe it out, so that I can breathe you, and I wonder, when I will sing along with you.
So many words to describe the universe, I'm a dreamer, I always have been, an astronaut, a lover of the arts, a simple drop of rain, may the poetry that lives within me reach you, I'm no stranger to the dark, I've been rejected many times, I know what it's like to feel on the outside, I'm angry, I'm hurt, but I'm not afraid of being seen, because that's me.
We cross the barricades, and to the beat of the drums, we can walk, a solution for peace, may the sharpest words find their home in common sense, may it be pure consciousness, may it make you see, with the power of tea, make your imagination to shine, a conversation with oneself is necessary, peace agreements to be negotiated, a last appearance to the life you lived, stop and face it, you would do anything for what is fair, but you see what I see, firm feet, I run until I walk, I think I move, but I'm not going anywhere, I became what I couldn't be.
Forget the cage, because you already know how to get out, sit down for a while, and have a cigar, breath, by the way, what color is pink really, the name of the game is riding the gravy train, and everything has the same value, everything counts, and everything falls into place if we can form a team, and in the night where the cold wind blows, I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetery, and in the night when the moon is shining, I will howl, humming songs, I don't want to live my life again.
Be curious, I threw a coin in the river and jumped to the other side, they didn't even know who I was, miles and miles opening up to me, an old and familiar ghost of mine, I walked through the dark valley, I was told the truth would free myself, I didn't wait to see, in the darkness I made my nest, I learned to see in the dark, I searched until I found my switches, today I can turn on all the lights, and I know that there will always be a new light to turn on, I jumped into tomorrow, Before he comes back, we can get away from all this, darling, we are losing gravity, we will fly over the roofs of the houses, like a crow on a walk, I don't ask anyone for anything, if I can get it myself.
Where does all this information about the universe come from, will it be imagination, pure fiction of my head, I don't want to play ball with the law, I could use a break, they are memories in my mind, soon I will be on my way, they are words from my heart, fiction of my knowledge, when justice is a game, you sitting like a Buddha, you will be the champion of the world.
Chapter eleven, Money away…
Money is a hit, Thank God the universe, neither string theories nor parallel lines will ask you for money, but there will also be no excuses, without toll comes great responsibilities, in a dark sky you see the light, when nothing else is sacred, wash my eyes so that I can see, in an elevator I will raise my frequencies, positive vibrations of a conscious mind, I wish the best, waiting for hope to wait.
Money, this will keep you down for a long time, but you will overcome, you will survive, we will overcome, in you is all the power to control your physical state, mind over matter, it will be a fight in the jungle, a thunderdome, two enter and only one exit, your greatest enemy, a mirror, a copy, a spoon bending, a snake screaming, being crushed from its skin, you will have to see for yourself, money will take you down, so down, down.
But the power is in you, time has taught you that money is always welcome, may it bring peace wherever you make your bed, the universe has given me all the tools I need to fly, in my astronaut helmet, I breathe the air of the gods , woman, mama, let me be.
Listen to what I say, I don't want to see shadows ever again, my darkness is lightened daily, I make myself happy, I learn the imaginary state of love, a smile without a reason, a look of welcome, a silent word, I have to go, I want to fly away.
Polly always wants a cookie, it's not me, let me take you for a walk, cut you, want some help, Polly said, her back hurt, and she was bored just like me, I promise you heaven is true, cut you even in parts and see, oh madness, music is my aeroplane,
Sometimes I feel alone, in an icy and cold world, where words hurt, today's sincerity is in tomorrow's tears, all this anger stored inside a single person, all this negative energy accumulated in the middle of dark matter, we need to see in five dimensions, we are zeros and ones, never forget that, whatever tomorrow brings, be there, be yourself, even if it's bizarre, decorate your uniform, be all you can be, and be it now.
My name is never gone, money forgotten, when you wake up in your makeup, remember to pray, pretty god's, pretty dressed, I hope you make it, come to the other side, there is no distance between us, the sea is right there.
Law of attraction, many thoughts about money, show me where to find it, where to look for it, we are a reflection of ourselves, until you understand this you will not understand the law of attraction, if it were pure mathematics, it would be easier, x and y are different, but their sums are multipliers never divisors, if you want to attract money, be it money, be it abundance, it waits for you, and in the night comfort you, get lost with me, enter inside me, and wondering when we will sing together.
Music is all around us, all we have to do is listen to it, sixteen moons, beautiful creatures, too far from any Starbucks, believe in what you can't play, a musical note, a tuned organ, the sound of the universe, deafening for some, and a complete mystery for others, permission to take off Major Tom, flying by imagination, lunar airports, gas stations in the air, delicatessens in motion, feed the soul, illuminate all the darkness within the being, allow yourself the new, allow yourself and that's it, creations of a living mind, desires and professions of a heart in solitude, may my universe always embrace yours.
Waiting for a Saturday night, I find myself trapped in my desires, I still feel pleasures in the flesh, it's difficult to separate, sensation and feeling, passion and love, tug of the ear, it has to be done, wake up the child inside you, It's rejuvenation of the adult in you, high ground, keep rolling, world keep spinning. the universe without ads, without interruptions, with music of the highest quality.
I got lost a little in my chapters, I gave myself over to this feeling of passion, writing after all these years has been liberating, but no matter how much I give myself over to this wave of inspiration, my critical side comes, bringing all the insecurity that exists Inside me, I don't set up my office in the dark, but that's where a lot of my imagination comes from, I have quick thinking, that always helps me, but it makes my attention deficit run freely in what I wrote.
I need to fall in love with the words I choose, it taught me to appreciate the artist. Today I see how my life works on good and bad days, work must be done with love, whatever it may be, what we build when we are in love is a totally differential calculation, that I can always lose myself in my loves, may they be One way ticket to hell and back.
I need to write, let my demons off the leash, they need to get the sun, feeding them from time to time is essential, take your demons to the light, and bring your angels to the darkness, remember it's all a circle, running in an eternal now, the good and evil are one, man and woman are one, two heads are better than one, he gave me life and shows me how to live.
I know everyone likes a Good Guys and Bad Guys story, but we created heaven and hell simply as a unit to measure the height of frequencies, hell would be the lowest possible vibrate, and heaven would be the highest possible, nirvana, namaste. I know that I get lost in my words, I am a passionate being, talking to souls, be patient with my way of communicating, I am always under construction, always trying to be the best, I strive to vibrate higher every day, I see that my energy transforms and heals many, I speak in English because I want to share good things like humility and kindness in people, if we only look at hell, that's all we will find, and don't forget your mirror, when you look to hell, he will look back at you.
Listening to frequencies can help, raising the pitch whenever possible, brother and sister, let's talk more about love, look around you, how many wounded soldiers are on the ground, there is a lot to be done, if you are in a position where you can help, help. Many are in misery, if you find it brother, see the light that exists in you, no one will see it if you don't believe, be who you are, find yourself, what you are looking for, be polite with life, it will smile at you come back every day.
Life gets shorter, leave everything behind, and value the day, the moment, be grateful for everything and everyone, forgive yourself every morning, be it rain or shine, accompanied or in solitude, wake up and drink your coffee, look what you you can do it in 12 hours, live your life in cycles, celebrate all the beginnings and endings of circles, change your skin, renew yourself, let It Loose, babe everything goes down, everything is happening, at this exact moment, the planets align.
Money in the universe is just a click away, don't go out of your way to chase money, let it come after you, make your days as creative as possible, keep your software updated to the best possible version, see the world in zeros and some, or in matter and atoms, just see the world. I feel like I'm on a crusade for peace, I see a pilgrimage of people like me, shouting for peace and love.
There are many of us, an army of kisses, words of love are necessary, for that a positive thought and a happy mind does everything. Be good to each other, if one day you can learn to play an instrument, do it, we are one, I always wait for this moment, and now it's time to take my place, stand up for the human race, welcome , I've been here waiting to be your guy, no one leaves until the night is over, the amp is humming, welcome to the show. the show.
You did a good job boy, you'll go far, now dance, now you lead your way, with a thousand lies and a good disguise, it's always been just you, I see you writing your lines, I see the love in your eyes, oh sun , don't forget, I need you here, when you come everything becomes calmer, your shine is my shelter, and when you leave, whoever stays stays, whoever goes goes goes goes. who was. my shelter, the sun comes and warms my soul, and makes me calm.
I woke up optimistic, the sun was shining, I was grateful for four, five seconds.
I'm going to spend three days there. For the last three chapters, I salute myself brother, all this child, creativity inside me. I ask you, Tony can you fly, but Tony couldn't fly.
Tony is part of the wonderful people who die. On one side the photos, on the other a song, I opened my heart to you in photos and songs, it was how the astronaut in me learned to communicate, poker face, I play spades to start, then I'll show you what I have , they are my hearts, my poker face.
You can't read my poker face, When the second Sun arrives, and all the planets align, in the blink of an eye, everything changes, no one ever taught you how to play this game, and if you can't handle it, go back to where you came from , take your money and run, the frequency of hell is always open, like a radio station, or a subway station, take a walk in your darkness, if what you're looking for is just money, it's easy, don't kill anyone to put it on, but If you seek power, be a good King, treat your subjects in the best possible way imaginable.
My new life is exciting, I get lost in my ups and downs, tie your mother down, give me all your love tonight. Keep away this country that charges, he is not my friend, my father is and will always be love, that no lie is stronger than the truth, that there can be peace among the human race, we need time to heal and care for the spirit, the physical is in chaos, but only through the mind, we can lift the body, emotional health is necessary. It's a war between mind and body, together they work perfectly well, like brother and sister, it's a special place, that when I stay too long, I break down and cry.
Every day I wake up and tell the devil to get out of town, because he lost his job, come full circle, do your duties, I always thought everything I did was crazy, but time taught me to raise my glass, and toast yesterday, a crazy dream, killing time in my being.
Time doesn't let it slip away, raise your glass of drink, you don't need to pay the debts of hell, just don't anger him, come full circle, dive in brother, be free, so free that you can never hurt anyone. In time we will all travel away, get up and walk.
Twenty four hours ago I wanted to be sedated, breathing, nothing to do or home to go, I didn't control my fingers, I didn't count on my brain. Just take me to the show, quick, quick before I don't go.
May the universe always allow me to write, may it be my carpentry of life, in me I am a carpenter, making my art on street corners, may I know other worlds, other moons, other galaxies, may it be the guardian of my life my captain, I have the soul of poets inside me.
I grew up with good music and good books, I was happy from one coast to another, I will reach a high ground. I try to do little by little, if we are new believers, but always be dressed for success, for your love.
What I'm going to tell you brother, what mom is going to say, I don't know, and what my dad is going to do, just let me go. I'm looking for a summer breeze in my life, I was born on the beach, that's where you'll find me, physically preparing me for your love.
Life, money isn't everything, love doesn't compare to fear, all that really matters is freedom, if you have an empty glass, it's enough for something more, keep going, come on, you can do it. I have a hangover, I certainly drank more than I could, I walk alone, to understand this feeling right, it's all a plan that matches you. So I live day by day, growing, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, letting the music take me, carrying its message of love, listening to the music all the time.
Believe in yourself, see the amount of blessings you have daily, tell a true story, that comes from the heart, that brings peace, that is Love, If you don't have a beautiful story, remember that you can embellish them, use your creativity, play like a child in kindergarten, everything is possible, everything is new, everything was necessary to create this moment in your physical reality, it was your choices that led you here, now lift your head and move on, keep rocking on, bring love to deafened ears, all music has a rhythm, just like us, listen to the rhythm of your heart, let it guide you through the universe, we can only find if it has been lost, what you are looking for, what your being wants .
Breathing and exhaling, no explanation needed, it's automatic, I reset my server, I started a new binary code, one that looks like me, writing lines every day, I travel in my imagination, I leave it free, light and loose. a needle and a spoon, the queen of the underworld, sending me dead flowers in my mail, a beer before lunch, it's too good to think better, little Suzy takes me down, sends me dead flowers every morning, and I, I won't forget to put roses on your grave. A minute or a second, let it be her secret, shine a light, horses that drag you away.
The child lives easy to do, the things she wants I buy for you, wild horses, could they take me away. A new day, a new cycle, I saw you suffer, a hard and painful pain, I saw you the same, I can make you feel bitter my love, because wild horses can take me away.
Sweet Virginia, California, I feel so breathless for you, my feet inside my shoe, leaves that fall, trees that grow, smiles without a reason, without fear, just smiling, I was born in the middle of carnival, even being alone in the streets was very Over time, I learned from my greens and blues, the sweet and bitter of life, is constantly present in our steps.
A smile opens doors, embraces the entire universe, the best way to give back is to smile, angel, my angel, when will all these clouds disappear, and where will It take us from now on, with no money in our coat, and no love in our souls, angel you are beautiful, but I see the sadness in your eyes, and all our dreams form on top of the smoke, but angel, where will it take us from here.
Angel, don't weaken yourself, everywhere I look I see your eyes, come on, love, dry your eyes, and be grateful for being alive. If there's one thing I've learned, it's not to talk badly about money, sometimes it goes away and takes a while to come back, I still want to live a long time, the universe will pay the bills, every day is an adventure, my credit card has always been a knife, never saved money for the sunset. Living in cycles and circles, always a train leaving the station, a sound of harmonica takes me, a soft sound of a saxophone, humming songs in my ears, protectors of my reality, vision beyond reach. I just can't let you slip through my hands. I have my freedom, but I don't have much time, let's make some life while we're alive. Let the water fall, let abundance come in your steps, wash your soul, get you drunk when necessary, let water run down the rocks, wash away your sorrows, and bring magic into your life.
It's hard work, being yourself all the time, getting lost in others is very easy, getting lost in yourself, so don't even talk, your convictions, your ideals, your ideology, I also want one to live by.
Many think that thinking is not work, I was always judged as a bum, I embodied the role in my life, the path of a thinker, always lost in a new love, always looking for unanswered questions, the life of a genie in a bottle, three wishes would be enough for your greed, would make you a happy man, while you're sitting in your silk chair, I hope you don't see me in your company, dead flowers inhabitants of your home, water the plants, they're alive, so like you and me, something that can take the pain away.
You can send me dead flowers every morning, I will never forget putting roses on your grave. Of course there is a crazy side to me, there's no doubt about that, I wouldn't know how to deal with sanity, I wouldn't know how to value it. In my madness there is light and darkness, just like my sanity, I am complete, a spiral circle, spinning in the universe, a universe that exists between my madness and my sanity. Let me exercise my madness in peace, that's where it all comes from, my sanity.
I am all in one, I am everything in the same place, the sun and the moon, the breath and the exhalation, I turn on and off, I am fire and water, earth and air, I walk in delicate steps, I enjoy the dawn of the day and the dawn of the night, I'm a good vivam, I don't like to complain, but I love compliments, I make my life with words in the wind, delicacies released in the air, simple man, I'm a Knight, I've always let my education speak louder, my peace always it was bigger than my wars, I became a son, I am a father, I thank my sisters and brothers, today I look them in the eyes, I feel your pain, I see your forgiveness, I smell your perfume, I wish you a good journey, may you find what went searching, may it bring you peace, whatever answers you found, good luck, I will be by your side, in darkness and in light, count on me, I will always be a healing soul, a pirate stealing hearts, and stretch out love, love love, let me be all that I can be, carry me and carry me in your arms, may my mind be a parachute, may it open as I fall, and find peace, may I find myself Even though it is the true path of love.
I grew up with money, and I know something was lost, at the sound of my voice I felt it, I came from a working family, they gave me everything they never had, I'm grateful, I'm grateful every day, but money in childhood brings back a lot of envy, a lot of pain, friends who are enemies, a life within another life. I grew up with people telling me that I had everything, but is money everything, we live in an unfair world, only a cold soul can't see the pain that spreads, every day people die, it's the balance of life, being born and dying.
Money opened many doors for me, I can't complain, I had the pleasure of meeting magnificent people, an eternal emptiness, words that never found the pleasure of flowing into a river, and then returning to the ocean, the lack of money is necessary for you to appreciate , and visualize everything you want, what you are looking for.
Money made me happy, of course it did, this song is for you brother, may the bottles of vodka and whiskey tell our stories, which contains a time that not even we ourselves remember, may this be the record of a life well lived, which from now on Forward, money only brings me what belongs to me, may it make me happy, may I distribute it in abundance in hearts searching for answers, may money clear the mind of your being.
May money be love, and may love always be abundantly abundant in your life. May it bring you peace, bring you light, may it make your journey easier, and may it make it easier for everyone around you to walk.
Global warming rising upwards, no one cares, if you can't take it, walk away from the game, there are no sides, only players, a purple rain is approaching, two knights are howling, they bring good news, they will turn the face of death , and she was alive, stay with me, this is not the first see that you get away, stay with me one more day.
Three plus nine equals twelve, that will be the next chapter, if you stay with me one more night, this is not the first time you have to run away, this is not a class, with teachers at the blackboard, if you pass one more night. Go or don't go, if you can manage to stay an extra night.
This is not a party where people know your name.
Chapter twelve, Keep on living, the coffee is on the table, ready for you to drink off, I'll be here when you're ready, Go with the changes, with the chances…
If you're tired of the sand, go to the sea, Keep on going, Go with the changes, you got, to get you, got.
The apple, I never bit it, I always wanted it, I dream about it every night, songs in my head, poetry on my tongue, words of love, in a note in a bottle, traveling through the universe, Keep on going, life Crazy life, short life, since I can't take you, I want you to take me. All my friends, millions of faces, but I have no one around, I had to leave, This is my life, a lonely city, that I control now, when there is no one around, all the rains that washed my street, I was falling, falling in the empty streets, where my friends are, they said they would return to eternity, I should have known they would return, and the rain would wash us down.
I will never go away. In time, everything will be fine, you and I will be fine, we will be in the streets singing and dancing, one heart, one soul, you will see your way, and you will know that we can all break free, you will go far, you and I, you know we are.
In time, all the little things will be fine, don't worry, be happy, and in time, dance the night away, go far, dancing all night, all night we'll be dancing, you'll see, believe, until it becomes real , be creative like a child, make your fantasies come true, this is the closest to heaven you will be, sooner or later you lose yourself, forgive yourself, learn self-love, totally unconditional, don't fight for the tears that will come.
Don't let the world see you, because they may not understand who you are, even if it's a bizarre, glass ceiling, just a stone.
I'm hard-headed, a crazy boy, with a pot on my head, I'm a weak trait and Ziraldo's sincere, will the world understand me, I don't want them to see, when everything's made to break, I just want you to know who I am. I thank you, all I can say, every line of the day, has a touch of gray, I will survive, it was a lesson for me, the ABC's that we have to face, I throw my ashes into the sea, I thank Yemanjá, I am the son of a saint
My name is Lucas, trying to maintain a little love, falling in love with you, I will pass, I will survive.
If you think that a kiss is only on the lips, and a dance is only with the ribs, my friend do the twist, and never try to touch with your fingers, because what lives in your soul are memories, all encoded in your DNA, the one we know about, but we don't know what or how.
Sitting and writing, something that transforms me, I must have done this a lot in other lives, because only I know how it makes me feel, being able to throw words to the wind, but always careful not to hurt them, always words of improvement.
There are people who think that being sincere all the time is beautiful, But even sincere words can cause pain, and a well-intentioned soul will not use words to hurt, sincerity cannot be used as a weapon for the weak, sincerity and truth are different things. If you can keep the words that will cause pain, that is not lying, it is being careful, words are very strong, so they must be used wisely, a word can heal someone, just as it can also kill one.
We live in a world of gossip, talking about other people's lives has become a game between families, an eternal comparison to see who is the most balanced, the strongest, the richest and healthiest, gossip, pure and simple gossip. Talking about other people's lives never opened my eyes, I always thought it was a waste of time to compare myself with others, because I never wanted to be like anyone, I hated the rule book, the playbook, I was well educated, and I make good use of my education , but I wasn't born to follow a line, I'm not going to be behind or in front of anyone, I'm going to do my line, without waiting for any number to be called, because I am the numbers and the letters, I have to find myself a future, and If you move my way, I want it all, and I want it now.
This has always been my game plan, so give me a sign, a toast to the future, and to the dreams of youth, nothing is lost, everything can manifest itself, so much to do in just one life, so I will live it all, and I will give all.
The life of others does not interest you, just as yours will not interest others either, preserving yourself in silence is necessary to manifest what you want, secret in your projects, talking too much is like letting the air out of the balloon, as less people know about you, but they could dream, and create something to remember you, don't open up so much, we learn in silence, your words have to be valued, because using them is always a great responsibility, use your With intelligence, it doesn't have to be a chess battle, or a war, every time you use them, but a little wisdom wouldn't hurt you.
Time will always be divided, between evil and good, we can only visualize the circle, when we understand that we are one, there is no good and evil, only the evil that man does, I see the earth getting right, just like a child, all our planet needs is time, time to understand better, how we can help, planet earth deserves our full attention, we have already thought about colonizing other planets, instead of trying to save what we are living, it is the human way of being, to end everything before the next generation arrives, it won't be our problem in a hundred years, politicians thinking every four days, when they think at all, we need less politics, and more love.
We still have several places in the world without basic sanitation, people growing up amidst garbage and violence, the power of demonstration could help these people, if you are in a condition that can help, all help is necessary.
We live under the fear that everything could end at any moment, prophets putting a date for the end of everything.
The truth is that nothing has ended, we are the ones who end it, the planet lives, and continues to turn, we are poisoned in our veins, poison, when we will break these chains, I don't know.
Living in fear is scary, not respecting human and animal life, letting your worries dominate your movements, as I said before, there is no good and evil, we are one. To have this vision of the world, you will have to close your eyes and learn to feel, everything here is connected, we have motherboards, and wireless, everything has its time and place, everything is moving in its time, so be patient, Life can surprise you, over and over again.
Tell me what it takes for you to let go, surrender to the magic of life, feel the power within yourself, release all the love trapped inside you, tell me that your body doesn't miss a touch, and how you do it sleep at night, thinking you may have lost everything to the roll of a dice, just tell me what you need to let go, because I don't want to burn in paradise, let go, let it heal, you've already let it bleed, embrace your scars , ask for forgiveness for having been hurt, healing is forgiving, and forgiving is loving.
Keep living, happiness is an imaginary state. I despise gray days, do everything for your desires, don't wait for life to pass so quickly, think and dance, think well, think and dance.
May it all be in the name of love, a feeling among many, but as strong as its name. In the name of love, once again in the name of love.
Staying alone for a while did me a lot of good, being without a human touch made me value human life, being able to identify good and bad days, without hearing my voice for a long period of time, made me understand sound and silence, so as good and evil, noise and silence do not exist alone, they are found along the way. Keep on going, what else can I say, life is an experience full of energy, our souls are constantly satisfied, moving forward is necessary, the now does not return to the past, nor does it jump to the future, so do your best in the future.
Now, only you are aware of this, there is no such thing as wasting time, everything is to teach you, patience will always be welcome. When what you want in your life begins to manifest, first remember to be grateful, and understand that this is the process, visualizing, feeling, touching, tasting and seeing.
To create manifestations in your reality you need to believe, before everyone else, the first to believe in you, must be yourself, only after you feel what you want, will it come to you.
Always with dreams the size of the world, you don't notice the little things that you manifest in your daily life, appreciating the little things is very important, it's the little things that make us believe that everything is possible, it's the little things that make us become big, the macro is the micro of tomorrow, always have dreams, and make them as big as possible in your mind, so that the least of all come true, see the way you look at the world, because that will be the way the world will look at you, don't be fooled, it's a mirror, a blackboard, full of equations and boxes, the universe and its darkness, how else would you notice the brightness of the stars.
Stay hungry, keep walking, never give up, never surrender, life will always be what we make of it, I believe in destiny, but I also believe in free will, it's choices, visions, it's all in the palm of your hand, all those lines and life points, we have all our organs in the palms of our hands and feet, everything flows towards the heart, touch each other, get to know each other, embrace each other, love each other.
Run for yourself, do the best in your days, it's not a competition, it's a unique simulation, made to order for you, finding your spirit will be the most important thing, separating the material from the spiritual, understanding what's around us, they are timelines that live in the now, we cannot see, but we can feel, there is something more, everyone feels this need to believe in a higher power, everyone wants to find the meaning of life, there is no point in suffering for anything, you don't cause a fire without a spark.
Turn on the radio, see how invisible waves travel across the planet, we are surrounded by energy, vibration and frequencies, whether it's the angel on your shoulder showing you the way, it's just a love reaction, feel like dancing in the dark.
Now that you know that anything is possible, what will you do, you will allow things around you to grow and flourish. I had to give up on my dreams, become an adult, pay the bills, bury myself trying to please society, I found myself a broken man, with no vision of a future, no perspective whatsoever on a life, my dreams were so buried that I didn't even remember them.
Waking up is not just getting up, it's thinking again, seeing again, breathing again, waking up is knowing that anything can be possible, you just need to believe, several Disney films teach you this, but in real life we call it fairy tale, is it so difficult to live your dreams, is all this internal struggle necessary, and love, where does it come into all of this, life is a blessing, only by valuing what has been given to us will we be able to escape this prison that we created for ourselves, this could be heaven for everyone, if I need to go a little crazy to see, stay, only crazy people know what it's like to lose something like sanity, in madness there is a lot of love for life, the act of rebelling to patterns, such as positive and negative, madness and sanity work together, it's a balance of the mind, the being that always wants to be right, can only be wrong, rules and customs, it's not possible to please everyone, that's why I do my rules, I have my customs, a premium level experience, just a click away.
Flash, everything goes by in the blink of an eye, count your time between breathing and exhaling, life is beautiful, you are beautiful, everything around you exists to make you happy, there are tools, utilities, everything is done for your comfort, but If you can't respect and value the material, you will be completely lost in the spiritual, if you see yourself, it can be very painful, it can surprise you, the question that doesn't want to be silenced, do you think you are a good person, who are you? .
It's easy to point the finger at others, walk without knowing yourself, pointing out flaws like a photo book, a game of mistakes, there is no right or wrong when your heart is in the right place, the power to judge is only useful if we can judge ourselves before anyone else, the things that bother you are messages for you to learn, it's us mistakes that get everything right, falling and getting up, sleeping and waking up, the end and beginning, everything tangled up in the middle, insisting on patience, that's how it is I do my days, trying to understand before judging, seeing pain in others and respecting it, learning to heal, giving meaning to everything we experience, A soul that learns to heal itself, it will heal everyone around it, that every the violence of the world brings you hope, that you can feel and see all the love that exists around you, that you can always help, create bridges and beds, learn about loving, the bitter and the sweet of life, every day.
Sometimes a shadow makes a lot of light, a change is necessary, but sometimes change has other plans, to change you need to be willing, it is a process of great patience, creating a new being, within a single body, dying and being born they will always be new, say goodbye and hello at the same time, kill and give life to something new. To develop we need to know what we want, what we are looking for, it will be necessary to get lost millions of times until you find your way, know how to apologize, learning from mistakes will be of great value, always observe in silence, seek peace within yourself , and so find peace in the other just by looking, be it peace, be positive, the other option is negative, so let's go, let's meet, if we allow it, the third eye is the mind, when we talk about opening it, I mean open your mind, wake up, that is, see more than your eyes allow, take you high, to a place where you can see.
Maybe the good lord will shine a light on you, he has collected all the flies from your life and for that I am grateful, come on UP. May all the songs be in your favorite tone, I have a feeling of great duty with these twelve chapters that I describe to you, I'm going to take a few days and think about the last chapter, the thirteenth, remember that I always need to be grateful, I have a wonderful life daily, I have nothing to complain about, just a boy from south Detroit, I took the train going nowhere, the book of I don't know my brothers and sisters, for a smile we can share the night, strangers on the Boulevard, looking for the nights, living just to find an emotion, I love music, I'm grateful for it every day. Some will win, others will lose, the film never ends, who knows, maybe you were born to sing the blues. Don't hide in your darkness, bask in the sun, don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling, believe.
Chapter thirteen, The end, the beginning and the middle between them…
Keep on living, keep on loving, go with the changes, go to help. The universe is happy alone, we are all inside it, the true love way, we will be so happy alone, making a song, sharing a smile, so far from home. If there's one thing I make clear here, it's that patience will be necessary. Exit room four, one seven. Your lucky numbers are, 04 08 15 16 23 42. Expect the unexpected. Things end for something else to begin, if you have the chance, invite the world to dance, smell things, create magnificent memories of colors, give a name to each perfume, so that just like your questions they can disappear into the air, that they fade away, May the universe open your mind, and wake you up, it's not complicated, just believe, and you will see, how alive. One thing that is in all the sacred books is the phrase, do not be afraid, it is repeated several times, fear will hold you back, knowing how to deal with death is as important as dealing with life, make your departures and arrivals In the best way possible, walk with light steps, on comings and goings, make your way without fear, be peace and be love. Dylan Thomas said, when one burns one's bridges, what very nice fire it makes. Share the adventure that is living, affection seeking affection, making love with life, follow your journey. I found my conscience, and I wish with all my heart that you find yours, that it brings you peace, that you see the divine that exists within you, that you can change your words, and thus change your life, magic happens when you walk . Remember to follow the gold bricks, go for crystal shoes, but I wouldn't give up my blue all star for anything, blue is my favorite. Be kind, be polite, be all the love there is in this life, tell blender secrets. May your conscience bring you satisfaction, make your days pure magic, remember that a day in bed, a good book and good music with a hot coffee can be your most productive day, use your imagination, be a child and creative at the same time, live constantly in the now, value the family you chose is extremely important and special, be the one who brings smiles, be flirtatious, but don't be inconvenient, treat everything and everyone with respect, the respect you want for yourself, give to others, always give before asking, dress for success and dance alone, without anyone around, even without music, always dance. I wish life was like the movies, and the hero always came out of the darkness at the end. But this is real life, real love, old wounds that are healing, dreams in the air, real pain, feelings that I can't hide, this is real. May I be judged by what I know, not by what I do. May I be saved the way no one has been saved before, may I gain my wings of freedom, and may I be free. Sometimes all you need is a Robin Williams hugging you and telling you that it's not your fault, but would I have to be a good will hunter, some kind of genius to have some forgiveness around here. Maybe you just need to cry, cry until without realizing it you are laughing, laugh at sadness, be positive in life's setbacks. Be reasonable. Don't let anyone take you out of your normal state, don't allow any energy to destabilize you, walk like a warrior, be a samurai in times of peace, a soldier returning home, always carry peace in your heart. Pay attention to the numbers in your daily life, they can be coordinates or messages, morse codes are still widely used for communication, pay attention to the sounds around you, everything is making contact, everything has a beginning and an end, I watch the pigeons , I love birds, they make my imagination light up like a Christmas tree. The door to the universe is at the door of perception, see with your eyes closed, use all your senses, improve them at all times, use both sides of your brain, do mental and relaxation exercises, your mind is your best electronic accessory, Learning the codes of the mind will be important, create new codes, install the most current version and run your antivirus, life is increasingly just a click away.
But let's talk about the universe, after all that's why I'm here now, to tell you that it's out there, you can believe in several truths, or you can believe in nothing, there's no toll to heaven, if you have patience , you will raise your frequency, but to go up, I need to see that I am below.
Vibrate loudly, bigger than you can imagine, the wind blows messages into my ear, and just tells me to go ahead, make myself happy, without fear, without doing any harm, not even to myself, get up and walk, that's what my heart tells me, play your guitar, get lost in the city streets, make someone smile, drying the tears of those who cry. It's a constant fight between mind and body, take time just for yourself, alone with no one else, take me on, I'll be gone in a day or two. Take your soul for a walk, finding yourself in your darkness will be eternity in your life , remember that with our eyes closed we see more than with our eyes open, the imagination has no amount of data, it is at your disposal to take you wherever you want to go, know how to build your castles, create a reign of peace, without flags, one love, one soul, several lives, many truths and many lies. But I'm here to see you bloom, something I can't refuse. I know the Universe will tell you, you can't touch what you don't have yet, but you have to want it, and you have to want it now, to be happy alone. Your heart is on the loose, this is not the place for weary kind, this is not the place to lose your mind, pick UP crazy heart and give it one more try.
I want you to get down from that ladder my friend, the angry boy still lives there on the couch, everyone has to face their demons, maybe today you can put your past behind you, and if you don't want to see me again, I'll understand.
My love, remember that hard times come easy, times get crazy, complications keep coming, all of this can eat you up inside, but remember the heart always finds a reason, and love always finds its way, even when it hurts. , it's just another day knocking on your door, even when it hurts.
I walk on the sunshine, and my love it's time to feel good.
The universe will tell you yes, it is not a question of if, but a question of when, the impossible is a matter of opinion. When you talk to yourself, and there's no one home, you might try to fool yourself, but then no one told you how it was going to be girl, what happens to you my love, you'll just have to wait and see. With all the changing seasons of my life, I've had my nose to the ground, but I've jumped into the river many times, to make it my home, I knew the storm was coming, and everyone thought I was high, I had to Going through this alone, the only thing I know is that I never wanted it to die.
Sometimes you just know, and what you don't know you don't need right now. A beautiful day, everything we need, a day of peace, there is no right or wrong, wake up on the right foot in life, don't forget to say your prayers and be grateful, I'm grateful for everything, see how your body works, what your way of thinking is. produce, the functioning of your body, there are no rules, each cycle is a circle, let it go, learn your patterns, customize your body, Bruce Lee said something beautiful, be like water, always malleable, be all forms. The universe teaches you to be malleable, to have resilience and patience, as long as you still have love, there will always be passion, I can be a lonely fool out in the Sun, free is a lonely word, we are under control.
"Do you come from a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover” Men ar Work.
“ Hey
Well, my temperature's rising, and my feet on the floor
Crazy people knocking 'cause they're wanting some more
Let me in, baby, I don't know what you got
But you better take it easy, this place is hot
And I'm so glad we made it
So glad we made it, you gotta
Gimme some loving “ Spencer Davis Group.
“ Chances thrown
Nothing's free
Longing for, used to be
Still it's hard, hard to see
Fragile lives
Shattered dreams (go!) “ The Offspring.
And the world can be a fantasy, for anyone with a dream, for everyone who wants a way to free themselves, dream with your eyes wide open, eat Alive. Whatever your style, all your music goes with you wherever you go. All I can tell you is that my life is quite plain, I can make tea for two, and I'll be there when you wake up, so stay with me and I'll take you, it'll be a nice getaway. But all I can say is that my life is pretty plain, you don't like my point of view, okay. Sanity, only those who have lost it can find it. When you come home and all the lights are out, you will never be alone, I will be there for you.
The middle between them, let it loose and everything comes down, as John said, I'm here watching the wheels roll. When they ask me children's questions, I just say everything will be fine, they shake their heads and say I'm crazy. I see the bright and empty nothingness, in total darkness is where I see the whole ocean running, and it all belongs to me, and I see what is mine.
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.,
Bob Marley, I feel that.
In the middle of the story we meet, come with me on the path and I'll explain, I already told you I love you today. The universe takes me on adventures through all the seasons, the heat and the cold, the earth and the air, good and evil, light and dark, everything becomes one, together we are, we can build more than we can destroy, let's go heal instead of getting sick, positive before negative, everything is a circle, in a square, when opened there is a triangle, everything is spinning, like small parts of a clock, time doesn't stop, not in dark matter, just jumping in dimensions you will have the feeling, the mechanical energy remains constant for any trajectory, it only depends on friction, the energy before is equal to the kinetic energy after Simplify life, the kinetic energy plus the potential, it can be heat or sound, but they are energies, good ones, let them spin. I threw a stone into the sea, and I saw the waves steady themselves, in circular points this energy turns into waves, and they go to the slopes, life needs to be simple, the less you possess, the more you let go, empty your mind, the better meditation, empty mind, open heart and ears, pray and be grateful. The net force is equal to zero, the impulse is equal to zero, continue at your constant speed.
“I'm a real rebel with a cause, I tell you what freedom is to me: no fear.” Nina Simone
“Live each day like it's your last, 'cause one day you gonna be right.” Ray Charles
“ I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am, I'm just like anyone. “ Michael Jackson
"The important thing is not to stop questioning." - ...
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - ...
"In science, there are no shortcuts to truth." - ...
"Science is not only a disciple of reason but also one of romance and passion." Four reminders of science in the universe.
We travel in energy waves, radio waves, life and its magic, give me peace on earth, give me life, give me your love, let me come and go, don't let me get lost in you, have the key to my home, but know how to take care of it, come in my dreams, tell me your secrets, wake me up in the morning with your breath, I promise that for me it will always be fragrant, it will always be something new and as old as our souls.
“ Dear Prudence, won't you open up your eyes?
Look around, round (round, round, round, round, round, round, round)
Look around, round, round (round, round, round, round, round, round, round)
Look around “ The Beatles.
“ Some things get better with age, I'm not getting old, I'm evolving, Music is a necessity, Everybody's got a different way of telling a story, and has different stories to tell. “ Keith Richards.
Touch of gray, we will all come and go one day, we will and we have seen, boy don't you know, if you lie feelings will show. I feel evolving, not aging, I carry a thousand years of information, billions are submerged, we only see a tenth of everything, so never abuse, don't let go, evolve, and be evolution for everyone around, be it love, be it forgiveness.
“ The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. “
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
“So I say to you, Ask and it will be
given to you; search, and you will
find; knock, and the door will be
opened for you.” Jesus Christ.
“ How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time. “ Morgan Freeman.
The universe gave me a vision of the world, of human beings and their nature, to feel again, to empty the mind, to stop the heart for seconds, life calls for calm, delicacies, like birds flying, in the blue until the path to the end of world, I'm learning to fly, slowly I take myself, so as not to lack love. Use your imagination, open your mind, you and I can do anything. The universe is a tool, use it wisely, make a beautiful and sincere story, be true to the viewers, I know how much it costs to feel something. The universe has its own music, its unique and universal silence, we will survive, it's all right, we will get by, we Will survive.
" When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there " George Harrison.
The universe is the sum total of everything that exists, dark matter and dark energy, and we learn to feel it in the void, in nothingness, just like the universe we are in constant change, we are in constant expansion, the universe is full of mysteries, and One of them is dark energy, a negative force, but the truth is that we still don't know anything about it and the universe, and as Einstein said, if you can't explain it in a simple way, it's because you don't understand it very well. There are things in life that we just feel, and when we believe in this strength, it becomes real, sometimes I wonder, does everything need an answer, that way we only find more questions, I know that I got here doubting everything , but isn't it time to dock the ship, and just look at the stars, every answer will bring you 3 or more questions, this search for answers is endless, and what I've learned so far is, that every story has several truths, If you focus on just one, you will find several lies, it's complicated. In the end it only depends on you and me, what truth will we tell ourselves, what to share, when everything is so personal, everything is a great mystery, and each being will find the answers only to the questions he asks, So there is no right formula, a little notebook giving you tips, the universe is a huge mystery, and to tell you that I spend my nights and days thinking about it, I feel closer to the galaxy than to the neighboring city, this feeling is strange, but it's just that I feel part of a whole, I see myself connected with everything and everyone around me, I feel the invisible energy that circulates between us, I feel an enormous force that takes us forward, the universe feeds me, sends me information, the Sometimes I don't even know what they mean, but then everything falls into place, like a sum total done little by little. Love, where does it come into all of this, I see love as fuel, something that fills our voids, and gives us strength to move forward, a passionate heart is something beautiful to see, how silly we become, attentive, fear of losing what you don't have yet, the love between two souls is something magnificent, that whole chemical equation that takes place in the bodies and in the mind, various hormones and fragrances being expelled, the physical count, the touch of fingers, simply an explosion of energy, everything is magic, everything is a fantasy, close your eyes girl, look inside, let the sound take you away.
love, how to talk about the universe and not talk about love, I had great loves in my life, I met beautiful souls, I was always attracted by intelligence, an intelligent soul captured me, conquered me. I threw myself headlong into my relationships, I fell in love until I lost myself, and that was the case for a long time. I was very immature, so I ended up becoming the person, giving up on my dreams and leaving my goals aside, I don't blame anyone but myself, today I understand that love and relationships are different things. Nothing that imprisons us is good for your soul, love sets you free, it never holds you back. I was very possessive in my relationships, I came from a sexist society and was blinded by pain, I hurt myself a lot until I learned. If you love someone or something, let it go, give freedom to the person you love, and be that freedom in yourself, respect is love, affection needs care. I am a fool, I am in love with life, I gave myself too much to know that today I need to preserve myself, somewhere to lay my head in winter, a hand to shake in summer, a breath to remember every day. Love takes care of you, there is no charge, there is no right or wrong, love is normal. Before you can possess another soul, you need to learn to control yourself, how you think gods are created, the pain you feel, confess, don't let anyone get the best of you. Self-love, unconditional love, an eternal lesson, freedom of souls, through forgiveness, gratitude and silence.
May the universe protect me from the evil of good people, and from the kindness of bad people, protect me from myself.
“It doesn't hurt to feel sad from time to time. We create our own unhappiness. “
" Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. " Willie Nelson
I drank all the whiskey I could, I literally looked at the bottoms of bottles, I was a drugged, and I was left for dead in action, I was never a bad person, I gave love whenever I could, but I lived high in the morning, and drinking in the afternoon , I learned that what you love, has to take you high, but it wasn't just pain, there was a lot of love on my roads, and I'm grateful to everyone we shared moments with, I learned a lot from all the souls I recognized, even I learn, I was happy, I buried my past and made a toast to the future, the universe educates me. I'm happy in my universe, life forced me to build, a make-believe world that my imagination created, I see the child in me, more alive than ever, funny how lucky I am, I'm learning the magic of the universe every day, my school, my partner, I thank you. Life is short, live your dreams, don't harm anything that breathes, don't harm yourself. Finding love is essential, but remember, love is internal, the divine is within you, never outside, be it love, be it light.
It's been a long day without you my friend, and I'll tell you ALL about when I see you again.
The end, the beginning and the middle, here I am, and you are a rocket queen. I let my imagination take me, I don't worry about the end, I made peace with death, I learned that later comes life, I also made peace with the beginning, I took my stumbles, but I got up and was able to walk, and the middle, where we are, now. My now is one of pure gratitude, I opened my heart to the Universe, I gave myself to life, the path to nowhere, it led to me, I was able to make peace with myself and say goodbye to myself, I injected my soul with freedom, as the song said , salvation, salvation, salvation is free. I had to die and be born, clear my head, I'm happy with who I became, I learned from my cycles, and I know that we live in a circle, the path forward is a curve, you can only see so far, so live in the now , turn on your headlights, always be prepared for bad weather, rain is welcome, you live what you give, never forget to be grateful.
In time you won't have to sell your soul, you won't need to jump for Joy. Remember, patience, hope and resilience, three things that without them you can't believe in something, that's subjective, when in doubt, I believe in myself, the book of I don't know, did I write all this. My heart is delivered on a silver platter, the universe guides me, and on radio waves I am inspired, it transformed me into words of affection, of love, of God for me.
“ You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied “
Don't forget to breathe with each comma, they are words of love, made with affection, by my hands for yours. All I seek is my peace of mind. look ahead, a new world waiting for you, with open arms and closed eyes, what more could you want, a universe of your own, made to order just for you, good luck friend, may your journey be one of peace and love, between ups and downs, go with faith, walk in your footsteps and make your own story, tell a happy story.