ALM No.67, August 2024



7/28/20243 min read

Cristina boards the plane and begins to look for her seat.

Quietly repeating to herself. “19D, 19D, 19 - -

Cristina stops dead in her tracks as she approaches her seat and sees her ex-husband Calvin sitting in the seat next to hers.

“Well, if it isn’t Ms. Cristina Sanchez in the flesh,” Calvin says. “What’re you doing here?”

“That’s none of your business,” replies Cristina.

The lady standing behind Cristina asks,

“Are you going to have a seat? There’s a line and we’d like to depart soon.”

Cristina puts her black bag in the overhead and takes a seat.

“Of all places and people, I get stuck next to you for the next 2 hours. Great,” Calvin says.

“This isn’t exactly a joy ride for me either. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.

Calvin and Cristina both let their arm rests down. They both sit back and try to relax and ignore the fact that they are both within reach of each other. Their arms touch on the middle arm rest. They both open their eyes and look down.

“I’m going to say this one time, and then I won’t say it again.” Cristina says very calmly and softly. “Keep your arms on that side of your seat or I will break it.”

Calvin calmly and quietly says to himself,

“Pick your battles, Calvin. Pick your battles.”

Calvin removes his arm and folds them.

“Thank you,” Cristina says with a snark. “Where are you going anyway?”

“No, we don’t banter, and it’s none of your business. You are no longer allowed to ask those questions.”

“I was just asking,” says Cristina.

“No, you were just being nosy.”

“At least I know much hasn’t changed,” Calvin says.


“Meaning, you haven’t changed. Not in the slightest. Your attitude hasn’t changed.”

“Well, it was just fine until I ran into Satan himself,” replies Cristina.

Calvin does a chuckle.

“Something funny?” Cristina asks.

“I just think it’s funny how after all this time, you still haven’t taken accountability for your actions and choices.”

“It sounds like you’re placing all the blame on me.”

Calvin looks at Cristina with a look of confusion and says,

“That is not what I said. Because I played a part in it. You need to finally take accountability for what Cristina did, does for that matter.”

Cristina rolls her eyes.

“Excuse me all passengers. We are experiencing heavy turbulence,” the flight attendant says. “Please remain in your seats.”

“Wow. This would be one hell of a way to die,” Calvin says.

“There are worst ways to die than a plane crash.”

“I wasn’t talking about the plane crash,” Calvin retorts. “I was talking about dying and your face being the last one I see.”

“You know, you keep insulting me, but I’m not offended at all. I find it endearing. If you want me back, you can say that.”

Calvin laughs hysterically.

“What world are you living in? You really are delusional.”

“I only insult you because I love you,” Cristina reminds him. “No, no, no, it was “assault.” Remember? Because I remember it very vividly.”

Ding. The seatbelt sign goes off. Calvin’s smile disappears.

“I take full accountability for what went wrong during the last heist,” Cristina says.

“Why do you want to take accountability now?” Calvin interrupts.

“Don’t interrupt me, I wasn’t finished. I heard you radio me, but I ignored you because I was calling the police, and I left the scene because I was tired of the abuse. Mentally and physically, I was drained. I couldn’t take it anymore. It just happened to be the perfect opportunity, so I took it.”

Cristina makes eye contact with Calvin

“I never intended to take part in that heist. It was a complete set up and you didn’t catch it. We outsmarted you.”

“You all were in on it?” Calvin asks.


“Wow! This is, this is…not news to me.”

Cristina’s smirk disappears

“I don’t trust anyone. And the only reason I got arrested was because “coincidentally”, the bunker door closed. But I got my pay back. Have you talked to those two back stabbers since then?”


“Oh, you didn’t think I was going to let you get away, did you? No. The last time I heard about Mike, he was in Rikers Island and Jade was somewhere locked up in Indiana.”

Calvin leans in closer to a scared Cristina and lowers his voice and says

“The only reason you aren’t rotting in a jail cell or worse is because of our son. But don’t think for a second that I forgot. I can find you whenever and wherever. It was no mistake that we ended up sitting together on this flight. I don’t forget anything.”

Calvin gets up and goes back to his seat in first class and leaving a scared Cristina pondering.