ALM No.70, November 2024

After waking up it is mandatory for me to arch my back and lick the specs of dirt resonating in my fur. I then emerged from between the couch and wall to the sun that shined as if it were afternoon. I pranced my way to where food usually just sits out with the convenience of water.
Yet, my morning routine was interrupted when a fleshy claw grasped my torso. Protesting, and impenetrating the thing that held me, its friend lulled me with its soft massage.
Having given up on my protests, I was carried to the inside of an exceptionally large bug. I would sometimes see one of them move outside through this transparent barrier. This was the same type of bug but an unusual color. My pads met leather seats as I was let go of then a slam behind me caused my ears to shoot back. Sat there, and for that moment I felt complete silence, I meow.
Moments later my ears could hear a loud suction followed by a slam. A jingle of metal called out and I reached out to the large creature before me. Backed away as the bug shook with a loud roar, the loudest roar I knew.
I hated this thing. It shook violently and was loud, as if it were trying to pierce my sensitive ears. My legs trembled as I tried to move across the leather. The thing that took me just sat there and was vocal. They were not in any distress about being in the bug. It is so loud, so rackety.
The farthest I have gotten was to the other end of where I started. This is when I finally noticed the leather wall in which I climbed. Peaking over, piles of metal, a big cardboard square, and a dark hole. The bug will never catch me out of that hole.
As I pulled myself up, bean looking pads fell upon my nose. Jumping off in fright, and tumbling down the leather into darkness, I of course, landed on my feet. Curiously, pulling myself on top of the rough, yet soothing platform I was once on. There, I saw someone like me, but they are off colored, their tail is longer, their ears round, not sharp.
I was making my way back to the wall and this time I wiggled my hind legs and pounced over the wall. Mid-flight, I was suddenly stuck to the ground. Bouncing to my feet I back away and my hair stuck up, my tail stiff. Staring at the other, my back hunched, and I stood on my toes as they hissed at me. They inched closer slowly to me, I kept my defensive stance, stepping back as I was curious but also really wanted to hide from all of this.
The one that mirrored me backed me away from the hole I wanted to shelter in, but they took it. I stood staring. My fear of the bug caused me to rush to the hole and repetitively slap the thief. They pounced and pulled me in with their needle like tips on their paws. All I could do was cry and pull back, clawing into them to pull them out. In which they tumbled over me and smacked my face repeatedly.
Suddenly we are on our feet staring down at each other. Protesting my dominance, the other protested theirs. We communicated in silence, they were not going to back down, but neither will I, the hole is mine.
A sudden stop and I tumbled over along with my opponent. Not understanding, I scrambled my way to the hole. The other tried to jump in, but I smacked their face and hiss.
Now seeing the sun and hearing a metallic click, I shrink within my hole. Watching the squishy looking claw snatching the other that opposed me. Without delay, I fight the urge to peak out to see what is happening. The quietness is deafening, and it makes me more curious about the halt.
Making the decision to peak I was suddenly pulled out of my retreat and saw the other one like me in a palm of flesh, I was in another palm. Being carried away once more, I wanted to claw the other’s eyes out.
Alliyah King is from Central Florida. If not writing, she indulges in the joy of gaming and getting lost in music. Follow her on X @KingAlliyah